#Line number RuleID ViolationType Message Line #------------ # GAF Parser ERROR count: 1346 9 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 235 cpk1 located_in GO:0005886 PMID:12011347 IDA C calcium-dependent protein kinase LeCPK1|Solyc03g031670 gene taxon:4081 20080616 SGN 10 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 246 crtiso located_in GO:0009536 PMID:11884678 IC C carotenoid isomerase tangerine|Solyc10g081650 gene taxon:4081 20070920 SGN 11 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 463 e located_in GO:0005634 PMID:16126837 IDA C entire SlIAA4|b|SlIAA9|iaa9|LeIAA4|IAA4|ctd1|Solyc04g076850 gene taxon:4081 20091119 SGN 12 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 694 ht2 located_in GO:0016020 PMID:11198428 IDA C Sugar transporter protein 2 hexose transporter 2|SlSTP2|Sugar transporter protein 2|Solyc09g075820 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 13 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 695 ht1 located_in GO:0016020 PMID:11198428 IDA C Sugar transporter protein 1 STP1|SlSTP1|Solyc02g079220 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 14 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 696 ht3 located_in GO:0016020 PMID:11198428 IDA C Sugar transporter protein 3 hexose transporter 3|SlSTP3|Solyc07g006970 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 15 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 961 man4 located_in GO:0005618 PMID:19450903 IDA C mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase LeMAN4a|Solyc01g008710 gene taxon:4081 20100423 SGN 16 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 1023 pt5 located_in GO:0016020 PMID:15807785 IDA C mycorrhiza-inducible inorganic phosphate transporter 5 PT5|Solyc06g051850 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 17 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 1068 not located_in GO:0031976 SGN_ref:861 ISS C notabilis SlNCED1|LeNCED1|Solyc07g056570 gene taxon:4081 20071116 SGN 18 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 1094 o located_in GO:0005634 PMID:12242331 TAS C ovate Solyc02g085500 gene taxon:4081 20080409 SGN 19 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 1305 Mi1-2 located_in GO:0005829 PMID:9707531 ISS NCBI_gi:3449379 C Mi-1.2 Solyc06g008450|Mi-1.2 gene taxon:4081 20080130 SGN 20 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 1328 sep3 located_in GO:0005634 PMID:20946942 IDA C SEPALLATA3 LeSEP3|TDR5|Solyc05g015750|LeMADS5 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 21 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 4504 GAI located_in GO:0005634 PMID:18250077 IDA C GAI LeGAI|Solyc11g011260 gene taxon:4081 20080208 SGN 22 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 4505 Asr1 located_in GO:0005829 PMID:18270732 TAS C Abscicic acid stress ripening 1 Solyc04g071610|SlASR1|ASR1 gene taxon:4081 20080214 SGN 23 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 4505 Asr1 located_in GO:0005634 PMID:18270732 TAS C Abscicic acid stress ripening 1 Solyc04g071610|SlASR1|ASR1 gene taxon:4081 20080214 SGN 24 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5050 LeFAD3 located_in GO:0005783 PMID:19648018 IDA C omega-3 fatty acid desaturase -3 EU251190|Solyc06g007130|FAD3 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 25 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5101 SlMADS1 located_in GO:0005634 PMID:20946942 IDA C MADS-box protein 1 Solyc03g114840|MADS1|LeMADS1 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 26 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5214 LCA1 located_in GO:0005783 PMID:10394952 IDA C Ca2+-ATPase AF050496|Solyc01g096190 gene taxon:4081 20090318 SGN 27 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5448 irt1 located_in GO:0016020 PMID:11352462 IDA C iron-regulated transporter 1 Zinc transporter protein|Solyc02g069200 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 28 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5561 fls2 located_in GO:0005886 PMID:17530419 TAS C Flagellin Sensing 2 LeFLS2|Solyc02g070890 gene taxon:4081 20080618 SGN 29 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5579 TM29 located_in GO:0005634 PMID:20946942 IDA C TM29 TAGL2|LeSEP1|sep1|Solyc02g089200|LeMADS6 gene taxon:4081 20080718 SGN 30 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5583 tg1 located_in GO:0005634 PMID:20481626 IDA C test gene tg2|tg gene taxon:4081 20120214 SGN 31 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 5587 cys8 located_in GO:0005829 PMID:17286832 IDA C cystatin 8 SlCys8 gene taxon:4081 20080807 SGN 32 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 8234 LapA1 located_in GO:0009507 PMID:19376935 TAS C Leucine aminopeptidase A1 Solyc12g010020 gene taxon:4081 20090505 SGN 33 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 8265 SlSK located_in GO:0005634 PMID:19533382 IC C SlSK Solyc07g055200 gene taxon:4081 20090730 SGN 34 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 8373 ORR located_in GO:0009507 SGN_ref:861 IDA C Orange Ripening Solyc04g057980 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 35 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 8374 CGT located_in GO:0005829 PMID:20880851 IDA C chlorogenate-dependent caffeoyltransferase SlCGT|GDSL lipase-like acyltransferase|SL2.31ch01:81120817..81122342 gene taxon:4081 20110112 SGN 36 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: located_in SGN 8374 CGT located_in GO:0031982 PMID:20880851 IDA C chlorogenate-dependent caffeoyltransferase SlCGT|GDSL lipase-like acyltransferase|SL2.31ch01:81120817..81122342 gene taxon:4081 20110112 SGN 37 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: part_of SGN 43149 sw41 part_of GO:0043190 PMID:19165318 ISS C seed weight 4.1 gene taxon:4081 20120226 SGN 38 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 153 arg1 enables GO:0004053 PMID:15322128 IDA F arginase 1 LeARG1|ARG1|Solyc01g091160 gene taxon:4081 20060718 SGN 39 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 246 crtiso enables GO:0046608 PMID:15557094 IDA F carotenoid isomerase tangerine|Solyc10g081650 gene taxon:4081 20070920 SGN 40 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 253 chln enables GO:0030410 PMID:10359845 IGI NCBI_gi:4753800 F chloronerva Solyc01g100490 gene taxon:4081 20080702 SGN 41 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 335 ctr3 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F CTR1-like protein kinase-3 MAPKKK68|MAP kinase kinase kinase 68|SlMAPKKK68|CTR3|LeCTR3|Solyc09g009090 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 42 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 336 ctr4 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F CTR1-like protein kinase-4 SlMAPKKK78|MAP kinase kinase kinase78|MAPKKK78|CTR4|LeCTR4|Solyc10g085570|AY394002 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 43 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 463 e enables GO:0003700 PMID:16126837 IMP NCBI_gi:62242122 F entire SlIAA4|b|SlIAA9|iaa9|LeIAA4|IAA4|ctd1|Solyc04g076850 gene taxon:4081 20091119 SGN 44 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 498 SlMAPKKK77 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F ethylene-inducible CTR1-like protein kinase MAPKKK77|MAP kinase kinase kinase 77|CTR1|CTR-1ER50|ER50|Solyc10g083610 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 45 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 506 er68 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F ethylene-responsive RNA helicase SlDEAD37|ER68|Solyc12g044860 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 46 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 537 fps1 enables GO:0004311 PMID:10938353 IDA F farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase FPS1|Solyc12g015860 gene taxon:4081 20111018 SGN 47 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 541 Fen enables GO:0004672 PMID:9014365 IDA F Fenthion sensitivity Solyc05g013290 gene taxon:4081 20091211 SGN 49 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 694 ht2 enables GO:0015144 PMID:11198428 IDA F Sugar transporter protein 2 hexose transporter 2|SlSTP2|Sugar transporter protein 2|Solyc09g075820 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 50 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 695 ht1 enables GO:0015144 PMID:11198428 IDA F Sugar transporter protein 1 STP1|SlSTP1|Solyc02g079220 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 51 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 696 ht3 enables GO:0015144 PMID:11198428 IDA F Sugar transporter protein 3 hexose transporter 3|SlSTP3|Solyc07g006970 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 52 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 748 fesod enables GO:0004784 PMID:15344817 IDA F iron superoxide dismutase FESOD|sodb|Solyc06g048410 gene taxon:4081 20130718 SGN 53 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 792 ctr2 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F CTR1-like protein kinase 2 SlMAPKKK7|MAPKKK7|TCTR2|Lectr2|Solyc01g097980 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 54 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 887 smet enables GO:0003886 PMID:25149677 IDA F cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase SlMET|LesMET|Solyc11g030600 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 55 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 961 man4 enables GO:0016985 PMID:19450903 IDA F mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase LeMAN4a|Solyc01g008710 gene taxon:4081 20100423 SGN 56 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 963 SlMAPKK1 enables GO:0004708 SGN_ref:861 IDA F MAP kinase kinase 1 mkk1|mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1|LeMKK1|mek1|Solyc12g009020 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 57 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 964 SlMAPKK2 enables GO:0004708 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase 2 mkk2|mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 2|LeMKK2|Solyc03g123800 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 58 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 965 SlMAPKK3 enables GO:0004708 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase 3 MAPKK3|mkk3|mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 3|LeMKK3|Solyc03g119490 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 59 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 966 SlMAPKK4 enables GO:0004708 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase 4 MAPKK4|mkk4|LeMKK4|Solyc03g097920 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 60 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1023 pt5 enables GO:0005315 PMID:15807785 IDA F mycorrhiza-inducible inorganic phosphate transporter 5 PT5|Solyc06g051850 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 61 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1027 LeST1-1 enables GO:0015116 PMID:12937983 IDA F sulfate transporter 1 THT1-3|THT7-1|THT1-4|Solyc10g047170 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 63 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1090 odc enables GO:0042978 PMID:9733552 IDA F ornithine decarboxylase LEODC|Solyc04g082030 gene taxon:4081 20090727 SGN 64 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1238 Pto enables GO:0004672 PMID:7902614 ISS F Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato resis. Pto|Pto-2|Solyc05g013300 gene taxon:4081 20070823 SGN 65 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1305 Mi1-2 enables GO:0030275 SGN_ref:861 ISS F Mi-1.2 Solyc06g008450|Mi-1.2 gene taxon:4081 20080130 SGN 66 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1305 Mi1-2 enables GO:0043522 SGN_ref:861 ISS F Mi-1.2 Solyc06g008450|Mi-1.2 gene taxon:4081 20080130 SGN 67 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1328 sep3 enables GO:0003700 PMID:20946942 IDA F SEPALLATA3 LeSEP3|TDR5|Solyc05g015750|LeMADS5 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 68 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1421 sut4 enables GO:0015144 PMID:10948254 IDA F SlSUT4 sucrose transporter 4|SUT4|Solyc04g076960 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 69 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1434 sun enables GO:0005516 PMID:18339939 ISS NCBI_gi:169793983 F sun SUN gene taxon:4081 20080323 SGN 70 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 1605 yg2 enables GO:0004392 PMID:20978927 IDA F yellow-green-2 yg-2|yc|yg282|HO1|Solyc12g009470 gene taxon:4081 20110608 SGN 71 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 4457 ob4457-LeFPS1 enables GO:0004311 PMID:10938353 IDA F ob4457-LeFPS1 Solyc12g015860|LeFPS1 gene taxon:4081 20070911 SGN 73 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5046 drm5 enables GO:0003886 PMID:25149677 IDA F cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase5 SlDRM5|Solyc02g062740 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 74 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5050 LeFAD3 enables GO:0042389 PMID:19648018 IDA F omega-3 fatty acid desaturase -3 EU251190|Solyc06g007130|FAD3 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 75 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5101 SlMADS1 enables GO:0003700 PMID:20946942 IDA F MADS-box protein 1 Solyc03g114840|MADS1|LeMADS1 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 76 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5257 pmt enables GO:0030750 PMID:17221359 IPI NCBI_gi:86438859 F putrescine N-methyltransferase Solyc06g053510 gene taxon:4081 20090625 SGN 77 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5261 nhx4 enables GO:0015081 PMID:22153246 IDA F (Sodium/potassium)/proton exchanger 4 Solyc01g098190 gene taxon:4081 20120104 SGN 78 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5291 amt1 enables GO:0008519 PMID:8755617 IDA F AMT1 Solyc09g090730 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 79 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5389 LeST1-2 enables GO:0015116 PMID:12937983 IDA F sulfate transporter 2 AF347614|Solyc12g056930 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 80 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5448 irt1 enables GO:0005381 PMID:11352462 IDA F iron-regulated transporter 1 Zinc transporter protein|Solyc02g069200 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 81 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5478 AF049900 enables GO:0045544 PMID:10097383 IDA F gibberellin 20-oxidase-3 SlGA20ox3|Le20ox-3|GA20ox3|Solyc11g072310 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 82 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5479 AF049898 enables GO:0045544 PMID:10097383 IDA F gibberellin 20-oxidase-1 Le20ox-1|SlGA20ox1|Ga20ox1|Solyc03g006880 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 83 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5480 AF049899 enables GO:0045544 PMID:10097383 IDA F gibberellin 20-oxidase-2 Le20ox-2|SlGA20ox2|Ga20ox2|Solyc06g035530 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 84 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5500 dfr enables GO:0045552 PMID:7907304 ISS NCBI_gi:410489 F dihydroflavonol 4-reductase Solyc02g085020 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 85 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5513 TOMARGDECA enables GO:0008792 SGN_ref:861 IDA F arginine decarboxylase ARGDC|ADC|Solyc01g110440 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 86 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5579 TM29 enables GO:0003700 PMID:20946942 IDA F TM29 TAGL2|LeSEP1|sep1|Solyc02g089200|LeMADS6 gene taxon:4081 20080718 SGN 87 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5586 cys10 enables GO:0030414 PMID:17286832 IDA F cystatine 10 SlCys10 gene taxon:4081 20080807 SGN 88 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 5587 cys8 enables GO:0004869 PMID:17286832 IDA F cystatin 8 SlCys8 gene taxon:4081 20080807 SGN 89 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8229 GOB enables GO:0003700 PMID:19176589 IMP NCBI_gi:52353035 F goblet SlNAM|NAM|Solyc07g062840 gene taxon:4081 20090625 SGN 90 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8235 CysEP enables GO:0008234 PMID:19098090 IDA F KDEL-tailed cysteine endopeptidase Solyc03g111730 gene taxon:4081 20090527 SGN 91 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8268 PHS1 enables GO:0010333 PMID:19487664 IDA F Phellandrene synthase Solyc08g005670 gene taxon:4081 20090813 SGN 92 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8270 NPDS1 enables GO:0004659 PMID:19487664 IDA F neryl diphosphate synthase 1 Solyc08g005660 gene taxon:4081 20090813 SGN 93 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8308 CD2 enables GO:0050692 PMID:19594708 ISS NCBI_gi:255529748 F cutin deficient 2 Solyc01g091630 gene taxon:4081 20091211 SGN 94 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8318 PNGase enables GO:0000224 PMID:19819901 IDA F peptide:N-glycanase Solyc10g007330 gene taxon:4081 20100202 SGN 95 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8326 HSFA2 enables GO:0046982 PMID:19491106 IDA F heat stress transcription factor A2 gene taxon:4081 20100316 SGN 96 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8327 HSFA1 enables GO:0046982 PMID:19491106 IDA F heat stress transcription factor A1 gene taxon:4081 20100316 SGN 97 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8354 SlPIN4 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F SlPIN4 SlPIN4a|Solyc05g008060 gene taxon:4081 20120124 SGN 98 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8355 SlPIN9 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F Auxin Efflux Facilitator 9 Solyc10g078370 gene taxon:4081 20120120 SGN 99 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8358 SlPIN3 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F SlPIN3 Solyc04g007690 gene taxon:4081 20120124 SGN 100 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8360 SlPIN6 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F SlPIN6 Solyc06g059730 gene taxon:4081 20120123 SGN 101 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8361 SlPIN8 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F SlPIN8 Solyc02g087660 gene taxon:4081 20120120 SGN 102 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8362 SlPIN5 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F SlPIN5 Solyc01g068410 gene taxon:4081 20120123 SGN 103 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8363 SlPIN10 enables GO:0010329 PMID:22211518 IDA F Auxin Efflux Facilitator 10 Solyc04g056620 gene taxon:4081 20120120 SGN 104 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8371 ob8371-HO1 enables GO:0004392 PMID:20978927 IDA F ob8371-heme oxygenase 1 Solyc12g009470|HO1 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 105 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 8374 CGT enables GO:0016867 PMID:20880851 IDA F chlorogenate-dependent caffeoyltransferase SlCGT|GDSL lipase-like acyltransferase|SL2.31ch01:81120817..81122342 gene taxon:4081 20120224 SGN 106 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 9275 SlBCAT5 enables GO:0004084 PMID:20435740 IDA F SlBCAT5 Solyc00g178340 gene taxon:4081 20120131 SGN 107 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 9403 SlMAPKKK1 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 1 Solyc01g005030|MAPKKK1 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 108 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 9494 SlDEAD1 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD1 Solyc01g005960|RNA helicase|SIDEAD1 gene taxon:4081 20130104 SGN 109 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 9508 SlMET1L enables GO:0003886 PMID:25149677 IDA F cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase1L SlMET1L|Solyc01g006100 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 110 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 9897 SlbHLH001 enables GO:0043425 PMID:25612924 IDA F bHLH transcription factor 001 Solyc01g010130 gene taxon:4081 20150128 SGN 111 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 9979 SlMAPKKK2 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 2 Solyc01g010950|MAPKKK2 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 112 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 10773 SlDEAD2 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD2 Solyc01g057760|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130104 SGN 113 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 10883 SlMAPKKK3 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 3 Solyc01g059860|MAPKKK3 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 114 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11132 SlDEAH1 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box1 Solyc01g067390 gene taxon:4081 20130226 SGN 115 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11165 SODCC1 enables GO:0004784 SGN_ref:861 IDA F Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] 1 Solyc01g067740 gene taxon:4081 20120914 SGN 116 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11165 SODCC1 enables GO:0016209 SGN_ref:861 IDA F Superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] 1 Solyc01g067740 gene taxon:4081 20120914 SGN 117 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11314 SlDEAH2 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box2 Solyc01g079250|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130226 SGN 118 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11322 SlDEAD3 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD3 Solyc01g079330|RNA helicase 3 gene taxon:4081 20130104 SGN 119 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11361 SlMAPKKK4 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 4 SlMAPKKK4|Solyc01g079750 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 120 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 11995 SlDEAD4 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD4 Solyc01g094350|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130108 SGN 121 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12053 mapk5 enables GO:0004707 PMID:22306326 IDA F mitogen-activated protein kinase 5 Solyc01g094960|MPK5 gene taxon:4081 20120306 SGN 122 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12124 SlDEAH3 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box3 Solyc01g095710|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130228 SGN 123 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12127 SlDEAD5 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD5 Solyc01g095740|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130108 SGN 124 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12328 SlMAPKKK6 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 6 MAPKKK6|Solyc01g097840 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 125 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12438 SlMAPKKK8 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 8 MAPKKK8|Solyc01g098980 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 126 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12559 SlDEAH4 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box4 Solyc01g100280|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130228 SGN 127 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12747 SlMAPKKK9 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 9 MAPKKK9|Solyc01g103240 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 128 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12817 SlDEAH5 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box15 Solyc01g103960 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 129 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 12872 SlMAPKKK10 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 10 Solyc01g104530|MAPKKK10 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 130 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 13491 SlDEAH6 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box6 Solyc01g110990 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 131 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 13577 SlMAPKKK11 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 11 MAPKKK11|Solyc01g111880 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 132 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 13817 SlDEAH7 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box7 Solyc02g014770 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 133 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 14029 SlMAPKKK12 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 12 Solyc02g031860|MAPKKK12 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 134 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 14533 SlMAPKKK13 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 13 MAPKKK13|Solyc02g064930 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 135 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 14538 SlMAPKKK14 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase MAPKKK14|Solyc02g064980 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 136 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 14551 SlMAPKKK15 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 15 MAPKKK15|Solyc02g065110 gene taxon:4081 20141105 SGN 137 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 14750 SlDEAD6 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD6 Solyc02g068190|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 138 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 14935 SlDEAD7 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD7 Solyc02g070100|RNA helicase|SLDEAD7 gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 139 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15095 SlMAPKKK16 enables GO:0008349 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 16 Solyc02g071740|MAPKKK16 gene taxon:4081 20141105 SGN 140 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15203 SlMAPKKK17 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 17 MAPKKK17|Solyc02g076780 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 141 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15336 SlMAPKKK18 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 18 Solyc02g078140|MAPKKK18 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 142 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15409 SlDEAD8 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD8 Solyc02g078880 gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 143 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15638 SlDEAD9 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD9 Solyc02g081290|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 144 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15753 SLGLR3_5 enables GO:0008066 SGN_ref:861 IDA F glutamate receptor-like 3.5 Solyc02g082480|SLGLR3.5 gene taxon:4081 20111214 SGN 145 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 15979 mapk8 enables GO:0004707 PMID:22306326 IDA F mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 Solyc02g084870|mpk8 gene taxon:4081 20120307 SGN 146 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16145 SlDEAD10 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD10 Solyc02g086660 gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 147 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16230 SlMAPKKK19 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 19 MAPKKK19|Solyc02g087590 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 148 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16504 SlMAPKKK20 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 20 Solyc02g090430|MAPKKK20 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 149 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16556 SlMAPKKK21 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 21 Solyc02g090970|MAPKKK21 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 150 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16557 SlMAPKKK22 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 22 MAPKKK22|Solyc02g090980 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 151 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16558 SlMAPKKK23 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 23 MAPKKK23|Solyc02g090990 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 152 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16653 SlBCAT3 enables GO:0004084 PMID:20435740 IDA F SlBCAT3 Solyc02g091970 gene taxon:4081 20120131 SGN 153 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 16791 SlMAPKKK24 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 24 MAPKKK24|Solyc02g093410 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 154 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 17066 SlMAPKKK25 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 25 Solyc03g006400|MAPKKK25 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 155 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 17303 SlMAPKK5 enables GO:0004708 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase 5 MAPKK5|Solyc03g019850 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 156 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 17351 SlMAPKKK26 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 26 MAPKKK26|Solyc03g025360 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 157 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 17699 SlBCAT4 enables GO:0004084 PMID:20435740 IDA F SlBCAT4 Solyc03g043880 gene taxon:4081 20120131 SGN 158 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 17905 SlDEAD11 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD11 Solyc03g052980 gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 159 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 18132 SlDEAH8 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box8 Solyc03g063220 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 160 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19199 SlMAPKKK27 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 27 MAPKKK27|Solyc03g112140 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 161 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19220 SlDEAD12 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD12 Solyc03g112350 gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 162 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19412 SlMAPKKK28 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 28 Solyc03g114310|MAPKKK28 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 163 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19417 SlDEAD13 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD13 Solyc03g114370|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 164 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19457 SlDEAH9 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box9 Solyc03g114780 gene taxon:4081 20130305 SGN 165 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19515 SlDEAH10 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box10 Solyc03g115390|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 166 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19715 SlDEAD14 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD14 Solyc03g117440 gene taxon:4081 20130215 SGN 167 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19735 SlMAPKKK29 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 29 MAPKKK29|Solyc03g117640 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 168 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19877 SlMAPKKK30 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 30 Solyc03g119140|MAPKKK30 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 169 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 19980 SlDEAH11 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box11 Solyc03g120200 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 170 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 20763 SlDEAH12 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box12 Solyc04g014210|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 171 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 20810 SlMAPKKK32 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 32 MAPKKK32|Solyc04g014690 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 172 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 20827 SlRDR6a enables GO:0003968 PMID:22406496 IDA F RNA-dependent RNA polymerase6a Solyc04g014870|rdr6|w gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 173 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 21552 SlDEAH13 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box13 Solyc04g050150 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 174 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 21985 SlMAPKKK33 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 33 MAPKKK33|Solyc04g064590 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 175 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22362 SlMAPKKK34 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 34 Solyc04g076480|MAPKKK34 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 176 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22433 SlBCAT6 enables GO:0004084 PMID:20435740 IDA F SlBCAT6 Solyc04g077240 gene taxon:4081 20120131 SGN 177 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22636 SlMAPKKK35 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 35 MAPKKK35|Solyc04g079400 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 178 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22765 mapk9 enables GO:0004707 PMID:22306326 IDA F mitogen-activated protein kinase 9 Solyc04g080730|mpk9 gene taxon:4081 20120307 SGN 179 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22843 SlDEAD15 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD15 Solyc04g081580 gene taxon:4081 20130215 SGN 180 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22937 SLGLR3_3 enables GO:0008066 SGN_ref:861 IDA F glutamate receptor like 3.3 SLGLR 3.3|Solyc04g082610 gene taxon:4081 20111215 SGN 181 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 22955 SlDEAD16 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD16 Solyc04g082790 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 182 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 23083 SlDEAD17 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD17 Solyc05g006130 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 183 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 23818 SlDEAH14 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box14 Solyc05g014690|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 184 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 23853 SlDEAH15 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box 15 RNA helicase|Solyc05g015040 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 185 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 24495 SlMAPKKK36 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 36 Solyc05g041420|MAPKKK36 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 186 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 24603 SlDEAH16 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box16 RNA helicase|Solyc05g044480 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 187 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 24606 SlDEAH17 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box17 Solyc05g044510 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 188 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 24621 SLGLR3_4 enables GO:0008066 SGN_ref:861 IDA F glutamate receptor-like3.4 SLGLR3.4|Solyc05g045650 gene taxon:4081 20111214 SGN 189 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 24740 SlDEAD18 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD18 Solyc05g048850 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 190 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 24753 mapk6 enables GO:0004707 PMID:22306326 IDA F mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 mpk6|Solyc05g049970 gene taxon:4081 20120307 SGN 191 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 25679 SlDEAH18 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box18 RNA helicase|Solyc06g008970 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 192 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 26250 MSRA1 enables GO:0033744 PMID:22350151 IDA F methionine sulfoxide reductase A1 Solyc06g048630 gene taxon:4081 20120301 SGN 193 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 26402 SlRDR3b enables GO:0003968 PMID:22406496 IDA F RNA-dependent RNA polymerase3b Solyc06g051170 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 194 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 26629 SlDEAH19 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box19 Solyc06g054560|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 195 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 26843 SlDEAD19 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD19 Solyc06g062800 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 196 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 26882 SLGLR2_5 enables GO:0008066 PMID:22143033 IDA F glutamate receptor-like 2.5 Solyc06g063210|SLGLR2.5 gene taxon:4081 20111213 SGN 197 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27120 SlDEAH20 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box20 Solyc06g066670 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 198 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27179 SlDEAD20 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD20 Solyc06g068280 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 199 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27201 SlMAPKKK38 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 38 MAPKKK38|Solyc06g068510 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 200 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27247 SlMAPKKK39 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 39 MAPKKK39|Solyc06g068980 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 201 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27386 SlMAPKKK40 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 40 Solyc06g071410|MAPKKK40 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 202 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27425 SlMAPKKK41 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 41 Solyc06g071800|MAPKKK41 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 203 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27891 Solyc06g076760 enables GO:0052716 PMID:23307920 IDA F Laccase 1a gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 204 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 27963 SlMAPKKK42 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 42 MAPKKK 42|Solyc06g082470 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 205 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 28345 SlMAPKKK43 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 43 MAPKKK43|Solyc07g006760 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 206 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 28381 SlMAPKKK44 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 44 Solyc07g007140|MAPKKK44 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 207 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 28504 SlMAPKKK45 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 45 Solyc07g008400|MAPKKK45 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 208 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29220 SlDEAH21 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box21 RNA helicase|Solyc07g039550 gene taxon:4081 20130313 SGN 209 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29240 SlDEAD21 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD21 Solyc07g040750 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 210 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29365 SlDEAH22 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAH-box22 RNA helicase|Solyc07g042010 gene taxon:4081 20130313 SGN 211 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29389 SlDEAD22 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD22 Solyc07g042270 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 212 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29429 SlMAPKKK46 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 46 Solyc07g042680|MAPKKK46 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 213 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29450 SlMAPKKK47 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 47 Solyc07g042890|MAPKKK47 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 214 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29646 SlMAPKKK48 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 ISS F MAP kinase kinase kinase 48 Solyc07g047910|MAPKKK48 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 215 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29654 SlMAPKKK49 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 49 MAPKKK49|Solyc07g047990 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 216 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29738 SlMAPKKK50 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 50 MAPKKK50|Solyc07g051860 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 217 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29739 SlMAPKKK51 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 51 MAPKKK51|Solyc07g051870 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 218 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29741 SlMAPKKK53 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 53 MAPKKK53|Solyc07g051890 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 219 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29744 SlMAPKKK54 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 54 Solyc07g051920|MAPKKK54 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 220 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29745 SlMAPKKK55 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 55 MAPKKK55|Solyc07g051930 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 221 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29791 SLGLR3_1 enables GO:0008066 PMID:22143033 IDA F glutamate receptor-like 3.1 SlGLR3.1|Solyc07g052390 gene taxon:4081 20111213 SGN 222 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29792 SLGLR3_2 enables GO:0008066 PMID:22143033 IDA F glutamate receptor-like 3.2 SlGLR3.2|Solyc07g052400 gene taxon:4081 20111214 SGN 223 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 29865 SlMAPKKK56 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 56 MAPKKK56|Solyc07g053170 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 224 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30057 SlMAPKKK57 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 57 MAPKKK57|Solyc07g055130 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 225 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30127 SlMAPKKK58 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 58 Solyc07g055870|MAPKKK58 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 226 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30470 SlDEAD24 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD24 Solyc07g064520 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 227 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30497 SlMAPKKK59 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 59 MAPKKK59|Solyc07g064820 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 228 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30539 SlMAPKKK60 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 60 MAPKKK60|Solyc07g065250 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 229 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30818 SLGLR2_6 enables GO:0008066 PMID:22143033 IDA F glutamate receptor-like 2.6 SlGLR2.6|Solyc08g006500 gene taxon:4081 20111213 SGN 230 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 30953 SlMAPKKK61 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 61 Solyc08g007910|MAPKKK61 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 231 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 31467 SlDEAD25 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD25 Solyc08g042050 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 232 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 31777 SlMAPKKK62 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 62 Solyc08g062140|MAPKKK62 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 233 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 31842 SlDEAD26 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD26 Solyc08g062800 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 234 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32059 SlMETL enables GO:0003886 PMID:25149677 IDA F cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferaseL SlMETL|Solyc08g067070 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 235 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32253 SlMAPKKK63 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 63 Solyc08g069090|MAPKKK63 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 236 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32424 SlRDR6b enables GO:0003968 PMID:22406496 IDA F RNA-dependent RNA polymerase6b Solyc08g075820 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 237 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32461 SlDEAD27 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD27 Solyc08g076200 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 238 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32488 SlMAPKKK64 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 64 Solyc08g076490 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 239 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32864 SlMAPKKK65 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 65 MAPKKK65|Solyc08g080460 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 240 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32932 SlMAPKKK66 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 66 Solyc08g081210|MAPKKK66 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 241 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 32959 mapk7 enables GO:0004707 PMID:22306326 IDA F mitogen-activated protein kinase 7 mpk7|Solyc08g081490 gene taxon:4081 20120307 SGN 242 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 33099 SlMAPKKK67 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 67 MAPKKK67|Solyc08g082980 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 243 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 33913 SlDEAD28 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD28 Solyc09g015930 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 244 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 33928 SlMAPKKK69 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 69 Solyc09g018060|MAPKKK69 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 245 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 33939 SlMAPKKK70 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 70 MAPKKK70|Solyc09g018170 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 246 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 35122 SlMAPKKK71 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 71 MAPKKK71|Solyc09g076000 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 247 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 35389 SlDEAD29 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD29 Solyc09g090740 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 248 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 35720 SlDEAD30 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD30 Solyc10g005520 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 249 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 35916 SlDEAD31 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD31 Solyc10g007550 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 250 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 36063 SlMAPKKK72 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 72 MAPKKK72|Solyc10g009060 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 251 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 36064 SlDEAD32 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD32 Solyc10g009070 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 252 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 36091 SlMAPKKK73 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 73 Solyc10g009350|MAPKKK73 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 253 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 36208 SlMAPKKK74 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 74 Solyc10g017490|MAPKKK74 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 254 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 36212 SlDEAD33 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD33 Solyc10g017530 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 255 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 37237 SlMAPKKK75 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 75 MAPKKK75|Solyc10g055720 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 256 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 37485 SlDRM1L1 enables GO:0003886 SGN_ref:861 IDA F cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferaseL1 SlDRM1L1|DRM1L1|Solyc10g078190 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 257 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 37576 SlMAPKKK76 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 76 MAPKKK76|Solyc10g079130 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 258 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 38111 SlMAPKKK79 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 79 Solyc10g085670|MAPKKK79 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 259 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 38123 SlDEAD34 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD34 Solyc10g085790 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 260 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 38465 SlDML2 enables GO:0035514 PMID:25149677 IDA F DNA demethylase2 Solyc11g007580 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 261 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 38798 SlMAPKKK81 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 ISS F MAP kinase kinase kinase 81 Solyc11g012050|MAPKKK81 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 262 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 39411 SlMAPKKK82 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 ISS F MAP kinase kinase kinase 82 Solyc11g033270|MAPKKK82 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 263 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 40528 mapk4 enables GO:0004707 PMID:22306326 IDA F mitogen-activated protein kinase 4 Solyc11g072630|MPK4 gene taxon:4081 20120306 SGN 264 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 40630 SlMAPKKK83 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 83 MAPKKK83|Solyc12g005360 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 265 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 40723 SlDEAD35 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 ISS F RNA helicase DEAD35 Solyc12g006320 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 266 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 40827 SlRDR3a enables GO:0003968 PMID:22406496 IDA F RNA-dependent RNA polymerase3a Solyc12g008410 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 267 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 40914 SlMAPKKK84 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 84 MAPKKK84|Solyc12g009340 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 268 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 41165 SlMAPKKK85 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 85 MAPKKK85|Solyc12g013980 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 269 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 41580 SlDEAD36 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD36 Solyc12g035130 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 270 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42337 SlDEAD39 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD39 Solyc12g056740 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 271 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42390 SlMAPKKK86 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 86 Solyc12g062280|MAPKKK86 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 272 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42660 SlMAPKKK87 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 87 Solyc12g088940|MAPKKK87 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 273 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42706 SlMAPKKK88 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 88 Solyc12g094410|MAPKKK88 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 274 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42762 SlDEAD40 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 ISS F RNA helicase DEAD40 Solyc12g095990 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 275 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42763 SlDEAD41 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 ISS F RNA helicase DEAD41 Solyc12g096000 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 276 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42931 SlDEAD42 enables GO:0003724 PMID:23111163 IDA F RNA helicase DEAD42 Solyc12g098700 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 277 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 42983 SlMAPKKK89 enables GO:0004709 PMID:25036993 IDA F MAP kinase kinase kinase 89 Solyc12g099250|MAPKKK89 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 278 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 43090 SlMET3L enables GO:0003886 PMID:25149677 IDA F cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase3L Solyc12g100330|SlMET3L|MET3L gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 279 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 76776 CTOMT1 enables GO:0016206 PMID:22103597 IDA F catechol-O-methyltransferase gene taxon:4081 20111128 SGN 280 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 110963 SlBCAT1 enables GO:0004084 PMID:20435740 IDA F SlBCAT1 Solyc12g088220 gene taxon:4081 20120130 SGN 281 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: enables SGN 110964 SlBCAT2 enables GO:0004084 PMID:20435740 IDA F SlBCAT2 Solyc07g021630 gene taxon:4081 20120130 SGN 282 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 66 SlIAA4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA4 Solyc06g053840|IAA4 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 283 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 67 SlIAA2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA2 IAA2|Solyc06g084070 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 284 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1902074 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 285 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 286 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 287 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 288 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009791 PMID:19213814 IMP P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20100204 SGN 289 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:19213814 IMP P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20100204 SGN 290 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 68 SlIAA3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA3 LeIAA3|IAA3|Solyc09g065850 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 291 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 69 iaa5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA5 LeIAA5|IAA5|Solyc12g096980|SlIAA5 gene taxon:4081 20150107 SGN 292 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 69 iaa5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA5 LeIAA5|IAA5|Solyc12g096980|SlIAA5 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 293 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 69 iaa5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA5 LeIAA5|IAA5|Solyc12g096980|SlIAA5 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 294 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 70 iaa6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA6 LeIAA6|IAA6|Solyc03g120500 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 295 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 70 iaa6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA6 LeIAA6|IAA6|Solyc03g120500 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 296 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 73 iaa10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA10 LeIAA10|IAA10|Solyc06g008590|SlIAA10 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 297 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 73 iaa10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA10 LeIAA10|IAA10|Solyc06g008590|SlIAA10 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 298 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 88 ao2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009851 PMID:11018259 IEP P aldehyde oxidase 2 TAO2|AO2|Solyc01g088170 gene taxon:4081 20080612 SGN 299 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 90 ao4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P aldehyde oxidase 4 pseudogene AO4|Solyc01g088200 gene taxon:4081 20121025 SGN 300 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 139 aft acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009813 PMID:18344529 IEP P Anthocyanin fruit Af gene taxon:4081 20110120 SGN 301 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 153 arg1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006595 PMID:15322128 IDA P arginase 1 LeARG1|ARG1|Solyc01g091160 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 302 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 153 arg1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0033388 PMID:15322128 IDA P arginase 1 LeARG1|ARG1|Solyc01g091160 gene taxon:4081 20090723 SGN 303 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 154 ARG2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006595 PMID:15322128 IDA P ARGINASE 2 LeARG2|Solyc01g091170 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 304 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 154 ARG2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009445 PMID:15322128 IDA P ARGINASE 2 LeARG2|Solyc01g091170 gene taxon:4081 20090723 SGN 305 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 181 iaa15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA15 Solyc03g120390|LeIAA15|IAA15 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 306 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 183 cycb1d1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P B-type cyclin cycB1.1|Solyc10g078330|SlCycB1_1 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 307 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 183 cycb1d1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P B-type cyclin cycB1.1|Solyc10g078330|SlCycB1_1 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 308 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 187 bsr4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042742 PMID:14675431 IMP NCBI_gi:38489218 P bacterial spot disease resistance protein 4 bs4|Solyc05g007850 gene taxon:4081 20070917 SGN 309 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 246 crtiso acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 PMID:11884678 IMP NCBI_gi:19550436 P carotenoid isomerase tangerine|Solyc10g081650 gene taxon:4081 20070920 SGN 310 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 247 cat1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P catalase Solyc12g094620 gene taxon:4081 20121026 SGN 312 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 277 cf9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0050832 SGN_ref:861 TAS P Cladosporium fulvum resistance-9 Cf-9 gene taxon:4081 20071109 SGN 313 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 292 y acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009699 PMID:20019811 IMP P colorless fruit epidermis SlMYB12|Solyc01g079620|MYB12 gene taxon:4081 20110608 SGN 314 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 292 y acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009963 PMID:19906891 IMP P colorless fruit epidermis SlMYB12|Solyc01g079620|MYB12 gene taxon:4081 20110608 SGN 315 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 335 ctr3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P CTR1-like protein kinase-3 CTR3|LeCTR3|Solyc09g009090|MAPKKK68|MAP kinase kinase kinase 68|SlMAPKKK68 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 316 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 336 ctr4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P CTR1-like protein kinase-4 CTR4|LeCTR4|Solyc10g085570|AY394002|SlMAPKKK78|MAP kinase kinase kinase78|MAPKKK78 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 317 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 364 c14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006508 PMID:11444695 IEP P cysteine protease CYP1 C14|tdi-65|Solyc12g088670 gene taxon:4081 20090612 SGN 318 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 373 cycd3c2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P D-type cyclin-2 CycD3;2|Solyc01g107730|SlCycD3_1 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 319 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 440 dwf1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P DWARF1/DIMINUTO DWF1|Solyc02g030170 gene taxon:4081 20121030 SGN 320 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 458 cel2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009830 PMID:10480385 IEP P endo-1,4-beta-glucanase precursor (Cel2) Cel2|cel|Solyc09g010210 gene taxon:4081 20071109 SGN 321 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 463 e acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:22314799 IEP P entire b|SlIAA9|iaa9|LeIAA4|IAA4|ctd1|Solyc04g076850|SlIAA4 gene taxon:4081 20141120 SGN 322 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 463 e acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010930 PMID:16126837 IMP NCBI_gi:62242122 P entire b|SlIAA9|iaa9|LeIAA4|IAA4|ctd1|Solyc04g076850|SlIAA4 gene taxon:4081 20091208 SGN 323 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 463 e acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060777 PMID:17955175 IMP NCBI_gi:62242122 P entire b|SlIAA9|iaa9|LeIAA4|IAA4|ctd1|Solyc04g076850|SlIAA4 gene taxon:4081 20091204 SGN 324 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 463 e acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:17955175 IMP NCBI_gi:62242122 P entire b|SlIAA9|iaa9|LeIAA4|IAA4|ctd1|Solyc04g076850|SlIAA4 gene taxon:4081 20091204 SGN 325 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 487 Sl-ERF_A_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene response factor A.2 LeERF1|ERF1|Solyc03g093610|Sl-ERF.A.2|SlERF.A.2|ERF.A.2 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 326 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 488 Sl-ERF_H_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor H.1 Solyc06g065820|erf1b|Sl-ERF.H.1|ERF.H.1|SlERF.H.1 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 327 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 488 Sl-ERF_H_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor H.1 Solyc06g065820|erf1b|Sl-ERF.H.1|ERF.H.1|SlERF.H.1 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 328 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 488 Sl-ERF_H_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor H.1 Solyc06g065820|erf1b|Sl-ERF.H.1|ERF.H.1|SlERF.H.1 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 329 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 489 ob489-AY275554 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009845 SGN_ref:861 IEP P ob489-ethylene response factor 2 AY275554 Sl-ERF2|Solyc07g049350 gene taxon:4081 20071010 SGN 330 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 490 Sl-ERF_F_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 ISS P ethylene response factor F.5 ERF3|Solyc10g009110|Sl-ERF.F.5|SlERF.F.5|ERF.F.5 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 331 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 490 Sl-ERF_F_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene response factor F.5 ERF3|Solyc10g009110|Sl-ERF.F.5|SlERF.F.5|ERF.F.5 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 332 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 492 Sl-ERF_C_6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene response factor C.6 ERF5|Solyc03g093560|Sl-ERF.C.6|SlERF.C.6|ERF.C,6 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 333 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 492 Sl-ERF_C_6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010364 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene response factor C.6 ERF5|Solyc03g093560|Sl-ERF.C.6|SlERF.C.6|ERF.C,6 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 334 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 493 Sl-ERF_E_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene responsive factor E.2 EREB|TSRF1|Solyc09g089930|Sl-ERF.E.2|SlERF.E.2|ERF.E.2 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 335 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 493 Sl-ERF_E_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene responsive factor E.2 EREB|TSRF1|Solyc09g089930|Sl-ERF.E.2|SlERF.E.2|ERF.E.2 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 336 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 498 SlMAPKKK77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P ethylene-inducible CTR1-like protein kinase CTR-1ER50|ER50|Solyc10g083610|MAPKKK77|MAP kinase kinase kinase 77|CTR1 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 337 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 506 er68 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P ethylene-responsive RNA helicase ER68|Solyc12g044860|SlDEAD37 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 338 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 538 fas acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0048530 PMID:18469814 IEP P fasciated Solyc11g071810|SlYABBY2b (YABBY like protein 2b)|FASCIATED gene taxon:4081 20080715 SGN 339 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 555 flc acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0019720 PMID:12164810 IDA P flacca FLACCA|Solyc07g066480 gene taxon:4081 20090709 SGN 340 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 594 fw22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0051301 PMID:16941207 IDA P fruit weight 2.2 ORFX|ORF44|fw2.2|Solyc02g090730 gene taxon:4081 20071027 SGN 341 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 595 gbf12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P G-box binding GBF12|Solyc02g062950 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 342 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 637 gdh1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009448 PMID:9074503 IDA P glutamate dehydrogenase legdh1|Solyc10g078550 gene taxon:4081 20100330 SGN 343 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 662 Gr acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:15834010 IMP NCBI_gi:87244446 P green ripe gr|DQ372895|Solyc01g104340 gene taxon:4081 20071005 SGN 344 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 694 ht2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0008643 PMID:11198428 IEP NCBI_gi:5734439 P Sugar transporter protein 2 Solyc09g075820|hexose transporter 2|SlSTP2|Sugar transporter protein 2 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 345 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 695 ht1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0008643 PMID:11198428 IEP NCBI_gi:5734437 P Sugar transporter protein 1 Solyc02g079220|STP1|SlSTP1 gene taxon:4081 20060718 SGN 346 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 696 ht3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0008643 PMID:11198428 IEP NCBI_gi:5734441 P Sugar transporter protein 3 Solyc07g006970|hexose transporter 3|SlSTP3 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 347 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 717 i2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0050832 SGN_ref:861 IEP P Immunity to Fusarium wilt race 2 I-2|Solyc11g071430 gene taxon:4081 20100425 SGN 348 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 776 la acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P lanceolate La|Solyc07g062680 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 349 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 792 ctr2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P CTR1-like protein kinase 2 TCTR2|Lectr2|Solyc01g097980|SlMAPKKK7|MAPKKK7 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 350 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 821 rnalx acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060866 PMID:16920876 IDA P LERNALX L.esculentum ribonuclease lx Solyc05g007940 gene taxon:4081 20111207 SGN 351 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 821 rnalx acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010150 PMID:16990375 IDA P LERNALX L.esculentum ribonuclease lx Solyc05g007940 gene taxon:4081 20111207 SGN 352 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 845 cel1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009829 PMID:15243740 IEP P LEU13054 endo-1,4-beta-glucanase precursor Cel1|Solyc08g081620 gene taxon:4081 20071109 SGN 353 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 849 ob849-tkn2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060777 PMID:19820191 IMP P ob849-LEU76407 knotted 2 Me|Cu|TKn2|Solyc02g081120 gene taxon:4081 20100204 SGN 354 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 887 smet acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009835 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase LesMET|Solyc11g030600|SlMET gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 355 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 887 smet acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase LesMET|Solyc11g030600|SlMET gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 356 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 897 l2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009704 PMID:22623517 IMP P lutescent-2 l-2|l-3|lutescent 2|Solyc10g081470 gene taxon:4081 20120531 SGN 357 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 897 l2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0015995 PMID:22623517 IMP P lutescent-2 l-2|l-3|lutescent 2|Solyc10g081470 gene taxon:4081 20120531 SGN 358 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 963 SlMAPKK1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 1 LeMKK1|mek1|Solyc12g009020|mkk1|mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 1 gene taxon:4081 20060718 SGN 359 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 964 SlMAPKK2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 2 LeMKK2|Solyc03g123800|mkk2|mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 2 gene taxon:4081 20141031 SGN 360 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 965 SlMAPKK3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 3 LeMKK3|Solyc03g119490|MAPKK3|mkk3|mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 3 gene taxon:4081 20141031 SGN 361 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 966 SlMAPKK4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006952 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 4 LeMKK4|Solyc03g097920|MAPKK4|mkk4 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 362 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 966 SlMAPKK4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 4 LeMKK4|Solyc03g097920|MAPKK4|mkk4 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 363 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1023 pt5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006817 PMID:15807785 IDA P mycorrhiza-inducible inorganic phosphate transporter 5 PT5|Solyc06g051850 gene taxon:4081 20070109 SGN 364 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1027 LeST1-1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1902358 PMID:12937983 IDA P sulfate transporter 1 THT1-3|THT7-1|THT1-4|Solyc10g047170 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 365 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1046 Nr2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:15834010 IMP P Never ripe-2 Nr-2|Never-ripe|Solyc09g075440 gene taxon:4081 20071005 SGN 366 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1068 not acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009688 PMID:10929129 IDA P notabilis LeNCED1|Solyc07g056570|SlNCED1 gene taxon:4081 20071116 SGN 367 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1068 not acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043289 SGN_ref:861 IDA P notabilis LeNCED1|Solyc07g056570|SlNCED1 gene taxon:4081 20071116 SGN 368 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1078 ol3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0050832 PMID:12575751 IDA P Oidium lycopersicum resistance-3 gene taxon:4081 20120217 SGN 369 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1079 ol1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0050832 PMID:12575751 IDA P Oidium lycopersicum-1 gene taxon:4081 20120217 SGN 370 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1090 odc acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0033387 PMID:9733552 IDA P ornithine decarboxylase LEODC|Solyc04g082030 gene taxon:4081 20090727 SGN 371 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1090 odc acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006596 PMID:9733552 IDA P ornithine decarboxylase LEODC|Solyc04g082030 gene taxon:4081 20090727 SGN 372 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1094 o acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:12242331 IEP P ovate Solyc02g085500 gene taxon:4081 20080409 SGN 373 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1145 pts acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010358 PMID:18424140 IEP P Petroselinum leaf Pts gene taxon:4081 20080501 SGN 374 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1168 psy2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 PMID:18167141 IEP NCBI_gi:161763535 P phytoene synthase 2 PSY2|psy|Solyc02g081330 gene taxon:4081 20080206 SGN 375 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1186 sos1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0055078 PMID:19826225 IMP P plasmalemma Na+/H+ antiporter Solyc01g005020 gene taxon:4081 20100409 SGN 376 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1213 pro acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009686 PMID:22942390 IDA P procera gene taxon:4081 20120911 SGN 377 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1238 Pto acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042742 PMID:7902614 IDA P Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato resis. Pto|Pto-2|Solyc05g013300 gene taxon:4081 20070823 SGN 378 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1296 rin acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:11951045 IMP NCBI_gi:20219015 P ripening inhibitor lemads-rin|MADS-RIN|Solyc05g012020 gene taxon:4081 20060526 SGN 379 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1296 rin acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 PMID:11951045 IMP NCBI_gi:20219015 P ripening inhibitor lemads-rin|MADS-RIN|Solyc05g012020 gene taxon:4081 20060526 SGN 380 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1296 rin acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010364 PMID:11951045 IEP NCBI_gi:20219015 P ripening inhibitor lemads-rin|MADS-RIN|Solyc05g012020 gene taxon:4081 20091208 SGN 381 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1330 sbt3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006508 PMID:10350089 IEP NCBI_gi:3687308 P serine protease SBT3 Solyc01g087850 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 382 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1355 snf1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009738 PMID:12857836 IDA P SNF1 SNF1|Solyc02g067030 gene taxon:4081 20120917 SGN 383 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1355 snf1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009740 PMID:12857836 IDA P SNF1 SNF1|Solyc02g067030 gene taxon:4081 20120917 SGN 384 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1357 snf4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010476 PMID:12857836 IDA P SNF4 SNF4|Solyc06g068160 gene taxon:4081 20120917 SGN 385 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1357 snf4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009738 PMID:12857836 IDA P SNF4 SNF4|Solyc06g068160 gene taxon:4081 20120917 SGN 386 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1381 sw5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0051607 PMID:11043474 IC NCBI_gi:15418708 P Spotted wilt resistance-5 Sw-5|Solyc09g098130.1.1 gene taxon:4081 20100107 SGN 387 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1397 det2.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P steroid 5 alpha reductase DET2 det2|Solyc10g086500 gene taxon:4081 20121109 SGN 388 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1398 pe acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010025 PMID:22623518 IMP P sticky peel CD2 gene taxon:4081 20120529 SGN 389 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1398 pe acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042335 PMID:22623518 IDA P sticky peel CD2 gene taxon:4081 20120530 SGN 390 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1398 pe acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010143 PMID:22623518 IMP P sticky peel CD2 gene taxon:4081 20120529 SGN 391 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1398 pe acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009718 PMID:22623518 IMP P sticky peel CD2 gene taxon:4081 20120529 SGN 392 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1421 sut4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0015770 PMID:10948254 IDA P SlSUT4 SUT4|Solyc04g076960|sucrose transporter 4 gene taxon:4081 20060718 SGN 393 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1477 Sl-ERF_A_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor A.3 JERF1|Solyc06g063070|Sl-ERF.A.3|ERF.A.3 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 394 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1477 Sl-ERF_A_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor A.3 JERF1|Solyc06g063070|Sl-ERF.A.3|ERF.A.3 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 395 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1552 SlPIP1.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.2 Aqp2|Solyc01g094690|SlPIP1_2|water channel protein|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 397 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1572 w8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009965 PMID:23001036 IMP P wiry-8 gene taxon:4081 20121029 SGN 398 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1590 xth5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P xyloglucan endotransglucosylase-hydrolase 5 XTH5|Solyc08g005610|SIXTH5 gene taxon:4081 20121109 SGN 399 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1599 psy1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 PMID:8343597 IDA P Phytoene synthase 1 GTOM5|yellow flesh| ry|pTOM5|r|DQ335097|Solyc03g031860 gene taxon:4081 20071223 SGN 400 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1605 yg2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010024 PMID:11402195 IDA P yellow-green-2 yg-2|yc|yg282|HO1|Solyc12g009470 gene taxon:4081 20110608 SGN 401 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 1628 bks acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009845 PMID:12970482 IMP P black seed gene taxon:4081 20080501 SGN 402 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4225 MTS1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016099 PMID:17440821 IDA P Monoterpene synthase 1 Solyc01g105890 gene taxon:4081 20071019 SGN 403 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4226 MTS2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016099 PMID:17440821 IDA P Monoterpenoid synthase 2 Solyc01g105880 gene taxon:4081 20071019 SGN 404 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4227 Sl-ERF_E_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene response factor E.1 leerf2|erf2b|Sl-ERF2|Solyc09g075420|Sl-ERF.E.1|ERF.E.1|SlERF.E.1 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 405 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4227 Sl-ERF_E_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P ethylene response factor E.1 leerf2|erf2b|Sl-ERF2|Solyc09g075420|Sl-ERF.E.1|ERF.E.1|SlERF.E.1 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 406 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4227 Sl-ERF_E_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009845 SGN_ref:861 IEP P ethylene response factor E.1 leerf2|erf2b|Sl-ERF2|Solyc09g075420|Sl-ERF.E.1|ERF.E.1|SlERF.E.1 gene taxon:4081 20111017 SGN 407 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4459 Cnr acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009829 PMID:10364389 IMP P Colorless non-ripening Solyc02g077920 gene taxon:4081 20071009 SGN 408 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4459 Cnr acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:10364389 IMP P Colorless non-ripening Solyc02g077920 gene taxon:4081 20071009 SGN 409 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4459 Cnr acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009693 PMID:10364389 IMP P Colorless non-ripening Solyc02g077920 gene taxon:4081 20071009 SGN 410 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4459 Cnr acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 PMID:10364389 IMP P Colorless non-ripening Solyc02g077920 gene taxon:4081 20071009 SGN 411 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4464 Sgt1-1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006952 PMID:17351050 IMP P Sgt1-1 SlSgt1-1 gene taxon:4081 20071105 SGN 413 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4471 SSTLE2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0051762 PMID:11090225 IDA P sesquiterpene synthase 2 Sst1|Solyc06g059920 gene taxon:4081 20071113 SGN 414 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4472 SSTLH2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0051762 PMID:11090225 IDA P sesquiterpene synthase LH2 Sst1 gene taxon:4081 20071113 SGN 415 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4473 SSTLH1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0051762 PMID:11090225 IDA P germacrene B Sst1 gene taxon:4081 20071113 SGN 416 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4474 GCS acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0051762 PMID:9482865 IDA P germacrene C gene taxon:4081 20071113 SGN 417 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4476 zep acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016116 PMID:10890531 IMP NCBI_gi:1772984 P zeaxanthin epoxidase hp3|LeZEP|ZE|Solyc02g090890 gene taxon:4081 20071127 SGN 418 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4476 zep acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009688 PMID:10890531 IMP NCBI_gi:1772984 P zeaxanthin epoxidase hp3|LeZEP|ZE|Solyc02g090890 gene taxon:4081 20071127 SGN 419 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4482 TAGL1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:19880793 IMP NCBI_gi:24967134 P Tomato AGAMOUS-like 1 tagl1|Solyc07g055920 gene taxon:4081 20091211 SGN 420 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4482 TAGL1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009835 PMID:19880793 IMP NCBI_gi:24967134 P Tomato AGAMOUS-like 1 tagl1|Solyc07g055920 gene taxon:4081 20091211 SGN 421 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4493 obsolete-psy1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 PMID:18167141 TAS P obsolete-phytoene synthase 1 gene taxon:4081 20080109 SGN 422 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4494 DELLA acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:17883372 IMP P DELLA SlDELLA gene taxon:4081 20080121 SGN 423 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4495 cwp1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0008544 PMID:17877702 IEP P cuticular water permeability 1 Solyc04g082520 gene taxon:4081 20080123 SGN 424 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4506 Asr2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009628 PMID:17602312 IEP P Abscicic acid stress ripening 2 Solyc04g071580 gene taxon:4081 20080215 SGN 425 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4954 IMA acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0048481 PMID:18410478 IEP NCBI_gi:118621154 P inhibitor of meristem activity gene taxon:4081 20080416 SGN 426 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 4954 IMA acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009908 PMID:18410478 IEP NCBI_gi:118621154 P inhibitor of meristem activity gene taxon:4081 20080416 SGN 427 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5046 drm5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IEP P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase5 Solyc02g062740|SlDRM5 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 428 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5046 drm5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase5 Solyc02g062740|SlDRM5 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 429 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5050 LeFAD3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006636 PMID:19648018 IEP NCBI_gi:160334209 P omega-3 fatty acid desaturase -3 EU251190|Solyc06g007130|FAD3 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 430 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5067 tkn1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060777 PMID:19820191 IMP P Knotted 1 Solyc04g077210 gene taxon:4081 20100204 SGN 431 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5073 vde acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009416 PMID:19767125 IEP P violaxanthin de-epoxidase LeVDE|Solyc04g050930 gene taxon:4081 20100409 SGN 432 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5083 AF308937 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl proline-rich protein Solyc12g009650 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 433 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5083 AF308937 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl proline-rich protein Solyc12g009650 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 434 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5094 SlSIP1.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P ripening-related mRNA Solyc10g078490|ert14|SLSIP1.2|SIP1.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 435 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5117 SlWRKY8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 8 WRKYIId-4|Solyc02g093050|WRKY2d4|WRKY transcription factor IId-4 gene taxon:4081 20120703 SGN 436 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5118 SlTIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 1.1 Solyc06g074820|AB211518|TIP1.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 437 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5141 EBF1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:19903730 IEP P EIN3-binding F-box protein 1 ebf1|SL-EBF2|Solyc12g009560 gene taxon:4081 20100407 SGN 438 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5141 EBF1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:19903730 IEP P EIN3-binding F-box protein 1 ebf1|SL-EBF2|Solyc12g009560 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 439 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5156 GAD acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009448 PMID:7766895 IDA P glutamate decarboxylase X80840|Solyc03g098240 gene taxon:4081 20100524 SGN 440 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5158 SlPIP1.5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.5 Solyc08g081190|X73847|ripening membrane protein|PIP1.5 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 441 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5167 Sl-ERF_C_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P GCC box binding protein C.4 Solyc03g123500|GCC box binding protein|JERF3|Sl-ERF.C.4|SlERF.C.4|ERF.C.4 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 442 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5167 Sl-ERF_C_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IEP P GCC box binding protein C.4 Solyc03g123500|GCC box binding protein|JERF3|Sl-ERF.C.4|SlERF.C.4|ERF.C.4 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 443 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5172 SlWRKY10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 10 Solyc12g096350|AY157060|WRKY transcription factor IId-2 gene taxon:4081 20120705 SGN 444 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5180 sig74 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043068 PMID:20061552 IGI P SIG74 14-3-3 family protein Solyc04g074230 gene taxon:4081 20100531 SGN 445 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5209 SlWRKY11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 11 Solyc08g006320|WRKY transcription factor 2d-1,WRKY transcription factor 2d-1|wrky2d-1 gene taxon:4081 20120705 SGN 446 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5257 pmt acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009710 PMID:17221359 IDA P putrescine N-methyltransferase Solyc06g053510 gene taxon:4081 20090702 SGN 447 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5259 SlTCP3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P SlTCP3 Solyc12g014140|TCP3 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 448 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5261 nhx4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006814 PMID:22153246 IDA P (Sodium/potassium)/proton exchanger 4 Solyc01g098190 gene taxon:4081 20120104 SGN 449 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5282 pip1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P phytophthora-inhibited protease 1 Solyc02g077040 gene taxon:4081 20121108 SGN 451 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5296 GRAS7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P GRAS7 Solyc07g065270|SCARECROW gene regulator gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 452 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5309 SlTIP2.3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 2.3 Solyc06g060760|AY731066|TIP2.3|aquaporin|aquaporin TIP-type gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 453 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5310 SlPIP2.8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.8 Solyc01g111660|AY725511|PIP2.8|aquaporin|aquaporin PIP-type gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 454 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5330 CIP2a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P CONSTANS interacting protein 2a Solyc06g072040 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 455 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5333 CMPG1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0032491 PMID:19737094 IMP P Avr9/Cf-9 rapidly elicited protein 1 Solyc01g005160 gene taxon:4081 20100204 SGN 456 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5340 EBF2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:19903730 IEP P EIN3-binding F-box protein 2 SL-EBF1|ebf2|Solyc08g060810 gene taxon:4081 20100407 SGN 457 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5340 EBF2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:19903730 IEP P EIN3-binding F-box protein 2 SL-EBF1|ebf2|Solyc08g060810 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 458 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5387 AREB acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:20358223 IDA P AREB AY530758|SLAREB|Solyc04g078840|SLAREB1 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 459 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5387 AREB acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20358223 IDA P AREB AY530758|SLAREB|Solyc04g078840|SLAREB1 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 460 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5387 AREB acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009738 PMID:20358223 IDA P AREB AY530758|SLAREB|Solyc04g078840|SLAREB1 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 461 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5389 LeST1-2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1902358 PMID:12937983 IDA P sulfate transporter 2 AF347614|Solyc12g056930 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 462 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5403 sip1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009845 PMID:12857836 IDA P SNF1-related kinase complex anchoring protein Solyc05g054220|LeSIP1 gene taxon:4081 20120917 SGN 463 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5406 mntH acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:12709425 IDA P root-specific metal transporter Solyc11g018530|AY196091 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 464 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5406 mntH acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:12709425 IDA P root-specific metal transporter Solyc11g018530|AY196091 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 465 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5420 SlWRKY37 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 37 Solyc01g079360|wrky1 gene taxon:4081 20120709 SGN 466 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5447 irt2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006826 PMID:11352462 IEP NCBI_gi:4836772 P iron-regulated transporter 2 Solyc02g069190 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 467 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5448 irt1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P iron-regulated transporter 1 Solyc02g069200|Zinc transporter protein gene taxon:4081 20150115 SGN 468 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5448 irt1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006826 PMID:11352462 IEP NCBI_gi:4836770 P iron-regulated transporter 1 Zinc transporter protein|Solyc02g069200 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 469 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5451 DHS acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0008612 PMID:11278418 IEP NCBI_gi:12407774 P deoxyhypusine synthase AF296077|Solyc02g080800 gene taxon:4081 20080513 SGN 470 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5473 cry1a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P cryptochrome 1 Solyc04g074180|crypt1 gene taxon:4081 20080507 SGN 471 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5483 LeT6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060777 PMID:19820191 IMP P class 1 knotted-like homeodomain protein Me|Cu|TKn2|Solyc02g081120 gene taxon:4081 20111018 SGN 472 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5484 PTI6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P DNA-binding protein Pti6 SlCRF1|Sl-ERF.E.3|ERF.E.3|SlERF.E.3|Ethylene Response Factor E.3|pti6|Solyc06g082590 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 473 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5484 PTI6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P DNA-binding protein Pti6 SlCRF1|Sl-ERF.E.3|ERF.E.3|SlERF.E.3|Ethylene Response Factor E.3|pti6|Solyc06g082590 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 474 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5484 PTI6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P DNA-binding protein Pti6 SlCRF1|Sl-ERF.E.3|ERF.E.3|SlERF.E.3|Ethylene Response Factor E.3|pti6|Solyc06g082590 gene taxon:4081 20141218 SGN 475 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5503 LeGRP92 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009846 PMID:20033228 IMP P Tomato glycine rich protein 92 Z21719 gene taxon:4081 20100330 SGN 476 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5503 LeGRP92 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010584 PMID:20033228 IMP P Tomato glycine rich protein 92 Z21719 gene taxon:4081 20100330 SGN 477 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5513 TOMARGDECA acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009445 PMID:8022938 IDA P arginine decarboxylase ARGDC|ADC|Solyc01g110440 gene taxon:4081 20090807 SGN 478 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5566 tpk1b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0050832 PMID:18599583 IEP P tomato protein kinase 1b Solyc06g005500 gene taxon:4081 20080714 SGN 479 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5566 tpk1b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0002213 PMID:18599583 IEP P tomato protein kinase 1b Solyc06g005500 gene taxon:4081 20080714 SGN 480 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5583 tg1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006811 SGN_ref:861 IDA P test gene tg2|tg gene taxon:4081 20120214 SGN 481 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 5583 tg1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016120 SGN_ref:861 IC P test gene tg2|tg gene taxon:4081 20121115 SGN 482 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8209 ARF7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009851 PMID:18778404 IEP NCBI_gi:132449786 P Auxin Response Factor 7 SlARF19|Sl-ARF19|SlARF7|Solyc07g042260 gene taxon:4081 20090830 SGN 483 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8218 Aucsia1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009851 PMID:18987210 IEP NCBI_gi:110278245 P Aucsia 1 gene taxon:4081 20090830 SGN 484 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8234 LapA1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0002213 PMID:19376935 IEP P Leucine aminopeptidase A1 Solyc12g010020 gene taxon:4081 20090505 SGN 485 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8268 PHS1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043693 PMID:19487664 IDA P Phellandrene synthase Solyc08g005670 gene taxon:4081 20090813 SGN 486 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8270 NPDS1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043693 PMID:19487664 IEP NCBI_gi:226439922 P neryl diphosphate synthase 1 Solyc08g005660 gene taxon:4081 20090813 SGN 487 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8314 SlCCD7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043289 PMID:19845881 IMP P carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase7 CCD7|MAX3|Solyc01g090660 gene taxon:4081 20100122 SGN 488 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8314 SlCCD7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043289 PMID:19845881 IDA P carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase7 CCD7|MAX3|Solyc01g090660 gene taxon:4081 20100122 SGN 489 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8314 SlCCD7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010223 PMID:19845881 IMP P carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase7 CCD7|MAX3|Solyc01g090660 gene taxon:4081 20100122 SGN 490 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8321 perm acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0002230 PMID:19533378 IMP P PermeaseI-like protein Solyc03g114030 gene taxon:4081 20100204 SGN 491 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8325 LeCPK2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:19897910 IEP P calcium-dependent protein kinase2 Solyc03g033540 gene taxon:4081 20100310 SGN 492 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8325 LeCPK2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009611 PMID:19897910 IEP P calcium-dependent protein kinase2 Solyc03g033540 gene taxon:4081 20100310 SGN 493 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8326 HSFA2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:19854799 IEP P heat stress transcription factor A2 gene taxon:4081 20100315 SGN 494 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8327 HSFA1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010286 PMID:12080093 IMP P heat stress transcription factor A1 gene taxon:4081 20100316 SGN 495 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8327 HSFA1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:19491106 IEP P heat stress transcription factor A1 gene taxon:4081 20100316 SGN 496 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8329 ob8329-SLMYB12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009699 PMID:20019811 IMP P ob8329-Solanum lycopersicum MYB12 SlMYB12|Solyc01g079620 gene taxon:4081 20100531 SGN 497 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8329 ob8329-SLMYB12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009963 PMID:19906891 IMP P ob8329-Solanum lycopersicum MYB12 SlMYB12|Solyc01g079620 gene taxon:4081 20100316 SGN 498 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8336 MSH2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006281 PMID:19690966 IC P DNA mismatch repair protein 2 gene taxon:4081 20100416 SGN 499 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8337 MSH7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006281 PMID:19690966 IC P DNA mismatch repair protein 7 gene taxon:4081 20100416 SGN 500 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8338 WOX4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010067 PMID:20044450 IMP NCBI_gi:214011868 P wuschel related homobox 4 SlWOX4|Solyc04g078650 gene taxon:4081 20100416 SGN 501 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8341 SlJAR1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009694 PMID:20012084 IDA P Jasmonate Resistant 1 gene taxon:4081 20100514 SGN 502 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8342 GABA-TP2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009448 PMID:18713763 IDA P Gamma aminobutyrate transaminase isoform 2 AY240230|Solyc12g006470 gene taxon:4081 20100524 SGN 503 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8343 GABA-TP1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009448 PMID:18713763 IDA P Gamma aminobutyrate transaminase isoform 1 AY240229|Solyc07g043310 gene taxon:4081 20100524 SGN 504 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8344 SSR1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009448 PMID:18713763 IDA P Succinic semialdehyde reductase isofom1 LeSSR1|Solyc09g018790 gene taxon:4081 20100524 SGN 505 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8351 dhn acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009737 PMID:19875881 IEP P dehydrin dehydrin|Sldhn|Solyc04g082200 gene taxon:4081 20100709 SGN 506 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8351 dhn acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:19875881 IEP P dehydrin dehydrin|Sldhn|Solyc04g082200 gene taxon:4081 20100709 SGN 507 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8354 SlPIN4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IDA P SlPIN4 SlPIN4a|Solyc05g008060 gene taxon:4081 20120109 SGN 508 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8355 SlPIN9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P Auxin Efflux Facilitator 9 Solyc10g078370 gene taxon:4081 20120120 SGN 509 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8356 SlPIN7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IDA P SlPIN7 Solyc10g080880|PIN gene taxon:4081 20121207 SGN 510 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8357 SlPIN1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IDA P SlPIN1 Solyc03g118740 gene taxon:4081 20121218 SGN 511 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8358 SlPIN3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlPIN3 Solyc04g007690 gene taxon:4081 20120124 SGN 512 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8359 SlPIN2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlPIN2 Solyc07g006900 gene taxon:4081 20120124 SGN 513 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8360 SlPIN6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlPIN6 Solyc06g059730 gene taxon:4081 20120123 SGN 514 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8361 SlPIN8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlPIN8 Solyc02g087660 gene taxon:4081 20120120 SGN 515 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8362 SlPIN5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlPIN5 Solyc01g068410 gene taxon:4081 20120123 SGN 516 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8363 SlPIN10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010315 PMID:22211518 IEP P Auxin Efflux Facilitator 10 Solyc04g056620 gene taxon:4081 20120120 SGN 517 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8371 ob8371-HO1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010024 PMID:11402195 IDA P ob8371-heme oxygenase 1 Solyc12g009470|HO1 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 518 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8373 ORR acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009835 SGN_ref:861 IMP P Orange Ripening Solyc04g057980 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 519 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8373 ORR acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0045454 SGN_ref:861 IMP P Orange Ripening Solyc04g057980 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 520 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8373 ORR acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016117 SGN_ref:861 IMP P Orange Ripening Solyc04g057980 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 521 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8373 ORR acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010258 SGN_ref:861 ISS P Orange Ripening Solyc04g057980 gene taxon:4081 20101105 SGN 522 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8374 CGT acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009699 PMID:20880851 IDA P chlorogenate-dependent caffeoyltransferase SlCGT|GDSL lipase-like acyltransferase|SL2.31ch01:81120817..81122342 gene taxon:4081 20110112 SGN 523 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8376 GDSL2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006629 PMID:20571035 ISS P GDSL-motif lipase/hydrolase family protein 2 Solyc11g006250 gene taxon:4081 20101109 SGN 524 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8525 SlC3H1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0070417 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 1 C3H1|Solyc00g007330 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 525 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8525 SlC3H1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042630 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 1 C3H1|Solyc00g007330 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 526 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 8525 SlC3H1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009737 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 1 C3H1|Solyc00g007330 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 527 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9403 SlMAPKKK1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 1 Solyc01g005030|MAPKKK1 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 528 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9403 SlMAPKKK1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 1 Solyc01g005030|MAPKKK1 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 529 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9494 SlDEAD1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD1 Solyc01g005960|RNA helicase|SIDEAD1 gene taxon:4081 20130104 SGN 530 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9508 SlMET1L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase1L SlMET1L|Solyc01g006100 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 531 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9508 SlMET1L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase1L SlMET1L|Solyc01g006100 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 532 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9528 Solyc01g006310 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlPeroxidase peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 533 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9528 Solyc01g006310 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlPeroxidase peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 534 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9675 SlOFP2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 2 SlOFP2 (OVATE family protein 2)|Solyc01g007800 gene taxon:4081 20141024 SGN 535 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9676 SlOFP3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 3 SlOFP3 (OVATE family protein 3)|Solyc01g007810|OFP3 gene taxon:4081 20141027 SGN 536 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9717 SlTCP15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 15 Solyc01g008230|TCP15 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 537 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9751 SlC3H6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042630 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 6 Solyc01g008600|C3H6 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 538 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9751 SlC3H6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0070417 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 6 Solyc01g008600|C3H6 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 539 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9751 SlC3H6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009737 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 6 Solyc01g008600|C3H6 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 540 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9784 SlAGO4a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute 4a Solyc01g008960 gene taxon:4081 20120413 SGN 541 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9791 SlCycB1_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 ISS P cyclinB1_4 Solyc01g009040 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 542 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9919 Solyc01g010350 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Glucose-6-phosphate translocator phosphate translocator gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 543 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9919 Solyc01g010350 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Glucose-6-phosphate translocator phosphate translocator gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 544 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9979 SlMAPKKK2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 2 Solyc01g010950|MAPKKK2 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 545 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9981 SlAGO7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute7 Solyc01g010970|AGO7|wiry 2|wiry-2|SlAGO7 gene taxon:4081 20120412 SGN 546 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 9981 SlAGO7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Argonaute7 Solyc01g010970|AGO7|wiry 2|wiry-2|SlAGO7 gene taxon:4081 20150108 SGN 547 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10669 SlSIP2.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P small basic intrinsic protein 2.1 Solyc01g056720|SlNIP2.1|NIP2.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 548 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10773 SlDEAD2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD2 Solyc01g057760|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130104 SGN 549 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10850 SlWRKY47 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 47 wrky 47|Solyc01g058540 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 550 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10883 SlMAPKKK3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 3 Solyc01g059860|MAPKKK3 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 551 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10891 Solyc01g059950 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P GAI-like protein 1 gene taxon:4081 20150106 SGN 552 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10992 Sl-ERF_E_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor E.4 Solyc01g065980|Sl-ERF.E.4|SlERF.E.4|ERF.E.4 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 553 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 10992 Sl-ERF_E_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010364 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor E.4 Solyc01g065980|Sl-ERF.E.4|SlERF.E.4|ERF.E.4 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 554 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11132 SlDEAH1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box1 Solyc01g067390 gene taxon:4081 20130226 SGN 555 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11314 SlDEAH2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box2 RNA helicase|Solyc01g079250 gene taxon:4081 20130226 SGN 556 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11315 SlWRKY23 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 23 Solyc01g079260|wrky 23|22570076 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 557 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11322 SlDEAD3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD3 RNA helicase 3|Solyc01g079330 gene taxon:4081 20130104 SGN 558 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11361 SlMAPKKK4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 4 SlMAPKKK4|Solyc01g079750 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 559 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11373 SlNIP7.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 7.1 Solyc01g079890|NIP7.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 560 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11398 Solyc01g080150 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P tRNA dimethylallyltransferase gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 561 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11398 Solyc01g080150 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P tRNA dimethylallyltransferase gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 562 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11581 SlC3H10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 10 C3H10|Solyc01g087030 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 563 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11689 SlCKX2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P cytokinin oxidase2 CKX2|cytokinin dehydrogenase|cytokinin dehydrogenase 2|Solyc01g088160 gene taxon:4081 20150102 SGN 564 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11709 CER1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P ECERIFERUM 1 Solyc01g088400 gene taxon:4081 20121109 SGN 565 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11755 SlCycU4_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU4_1 SlCycU4_1|Solyc01g089850 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 566 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11766 SlWRKY12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 12 Solyc01g089960|wrky 12 gene taxon:4081 20120629 SGN 567 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11845 SlCycU2_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU2_1 SlCycU2_1|CycU2_1|Solyc01g090800 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 568 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11867 SlSAUR1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA1 Solyc01g091030|SAUR1 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 569 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11867 SlSAUR1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA1 Solyc01g091030|SAUR1 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 570 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11867 SlSAUR1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA1 Solyc01g091030|SAUR1 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 571 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11867 SlSAUR1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA1 Solyc01g091030|SAUR1 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 572 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 11995 SlDEAD4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD4 Solyc01g094350|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130108 SGN 573 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12066 SlWRKY22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 22 Solyc01g095100|wrky 22 gene taxon:4081 20120706 SGN 574 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12103 SlCRF5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Sl Cytokinin Response Factor 5 Sl-ERF.G.1|SlERF.G.1|ERF.G.1|Solyc01g095500 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 575 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12103 SlCRF5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010364 PMID:23057995 IDA P Sl Cytokinin Response Factor 5 Sl-ERF.G.1|SlERF.G.1|ERF.G.1|Solyc01g095500 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 576 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12116 SlWRKY41 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 41 wrky 41|Solyc01g095630 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 577 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12124 SlDEAH3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box3 Solyc01g095710|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130228 SGN 578 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12127 SlDEAD5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD5 RNA helicase|Solyc01g095740 gene taxon:4081 20130108 SGN 579 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12158 Solyc01g096050 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P bHLH transcription factor_SGN-U238928 gene taxon:4081 20121101 SGN 580 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12167 Solyc01g096140 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Aluminum-activated malate transporter gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 581 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12167 Solyc01g096140 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Aluminum-activated malate transporter gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 582 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12186 SlSAUR2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0070417 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA2 SAUR2|Solyc01g096340 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 583 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12186 SlSAUR2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA2 SAUR2|Solyc01g096340 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 584 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12186 SlSAUR2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA2 SAUR2|Solyc01g096340 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 585 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12186 SlSAUR2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA2 SAUR2|Solyc01g096340 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 586 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12226 SlAGO4d acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute4d Solyc01g096750 gene taxon:4081 20120413 SGN 587 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12328 SlMAPKKK6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 6 MAPKKK6|Solyc01g097840 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 588 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12376 SlCycL1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P L1_1 SlCycL1_1|CycL1_1|Solyc01g098350 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 589 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12376 SlCycL1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P L1_1 SlCycL1_1|CycL1_1|Solyc01g098350 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 590 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12433 SlCycU3_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU3_2 SlCycU3_2|Solyc01g098930 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 591 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12438 SlMAPKKK8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 8 MAPKKK8|Solyc01g098980 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 592 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12469 SlCycH1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinH1_1 SlCycH1_1|CycH11|Solyc01g099310 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 593 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12559 SlDEAH4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box4 Solyc01g100280|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130228 SGN 594 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12747 SlMAPKKK9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 9 MAPKKK9|Solyc01g103240 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 595 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12799 SlTCP11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 11 Solyc01g103780|TCP11 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 596 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12817 SlDEAH5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box15 Solyc01g103960 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 597 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12872 SlMAPKKK10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 10 Solyc01g104530|MAPKKK10 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 598 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 12874 SlWRKY9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 9 Solyc01g104550|wrky9 gene taxon:4081 20120614 SGN 599 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13004 Solyc01g105960 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P (E)-beta-ocimene synthase gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 600 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13144 Solyc01g107400 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P IAA-amido synthetase gene taxon:4081 20150107 SGN 601 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13226 Sl-ERF_D_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:20643807 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.3 Solyc01g108240|AP2/EREBP|Sl-ERF_D_3|SlERF.D.3|Sl-ERF.D.3|ERF.D.3 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 602 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13226 Sl-ERF_D_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:20643807 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.3 Solyc01g108240|AP2/EREBP|Sl-ERF_D_3|SlERF.D.3|Sl-ERF.D.3|ERF.D.3 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 603 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13226 Sl-ERF_D_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.3 Solyc01g108240|AP2/EREBP|Sl-ERF_D_3|SlERF.D.3|Sl-ERF.D.3|ERF.D.3 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 604 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13448 SlSAUR3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0070417 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA3 Solyc01g110560 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 605 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13448 SlSAUR3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA3 Solyc01g110560 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 606 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13448 SlSAUR3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA3 Solyc01g110560 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 607 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13448 SlSAUR3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA3 Solyc01g110560 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 608 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13449 SlSAUR4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA4 SAUR|Solyc01g110570 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 609 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13449 SlSAUR4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA4 SAUR|Solyc01g110570 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 610 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13449 SlSAUR4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA4 SAUR|Solyc01g110570 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 611 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13450 SlSAUR5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA5 SAUR5|Solyc01g110580 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 612 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13450 SlSAUR5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA5 SAUR5|Solyc01g110580 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 613 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13450 SlSAUR5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA5 SAUR5|Solyc01g110580 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 614 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13450 SlSAUR5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA5 SAUR5|Solyc01g110580 gene taxon:4081 20120918 SGN 615 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13451 SlSAUR6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA6 Solyc01g110590 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 616 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13451 SlSAUR6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA6 Solyc01g110590 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 617 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13451 SlSAUR6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA6 Solyc01g110590 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 618 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13451 SlSAUR6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA6 Solyc01g110590 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 619 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13454 SlSAUR8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA8 Solyc01g110620 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 620 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13454 SlSAUR8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA8 Solyc01g110620 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 621 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13454 SlSAUR8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA8 Solyc01g110620 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 622 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13454 SlSAUR8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA8 Solyc01g110620 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 623 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13455 SlSAUR9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA9 Solyc01g110630 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 624 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13455 SlSAUR9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA9 Solyc01g110630 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 625 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13455 SlSAUR9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA9 Solyc01g110630 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 626 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13455 SlSAUR9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA9 Solyc01g110630 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 627 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13460 SlSAUR12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA12 SAUR12|Solyc01g110680 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 628 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13460 SlSAUR12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA12 SAUR12|Solyc01g110680 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 629 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13460 SlSAUR12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA12 SAUR12|Solyc01g110680 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 630 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13460 SlSAUR12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA12 SAUR12|Solyc01g110680 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 631 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13463 SlSAUR10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA10 SAUR10|Solyc01g110710 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 632 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13463 SlSAUR10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA10 SAUR10|Solyc01g110710 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 633 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13463 SlSAUR10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA10 SAUR10|Solyc01g110710 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 634 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13463 SlSAUR10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA10 SAUR10|Solyc01g110710 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 635 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13469 SAUR11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071472 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA11 Solyc01g110770 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 636 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13469 SAUR11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 SGN_ref:861 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA11 Solyc01g110770 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 637 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13469 SAUR11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA11 Solyc01g110770 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 638 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13469 SAUR11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA11 Solyc01g110770 gene taxon:4081 20120919 SGN 639 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13472 SlSAUR19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA19 SAUR19|Solyc01g110800 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 640 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13472 SlSAUR19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA19 SAUR19|Solyc01g110800 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 641 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13472 SlSAUR19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA19 SAUR19|Solyc01g110800 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 642 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13472 SlSAUR19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA19 SAUR19|Solyc01g110800 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 643 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13475 SlSAUR20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA20 SAUR20|Solyc01g110830 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 644 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13475 SlSAUR20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA20 SAUR20|Solyc01g110830 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 645 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13475 SlSAUR20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA20 SAUR20|Solyc01g110830 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 646 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13475 SlSAUR20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA20 SAUR20|Solyc01g110830 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 647 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13484 SlSAUR26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA26 SAUR26|Solyc01g110920 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 648 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13484 SlSAUR26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA26 SAUR26|Solyc01g110920 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 649 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13484 SlSAUR26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA26 SAUR26|Solyc01g110920 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 650 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13484 SlSAUR26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA26 SAUR26|Solyc01g110920 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 651 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13491 SlDEAH6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box6 Solyc01g110990 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 652 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13493 SlXIP1.6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P X-intrinsic protein 1.6 XIP1.6|aquaporin|Solyc01g111010 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 653 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13522 LAX2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060919 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlLAX2 Solyc01g111310 gene taxon:4081 20120119 SGN 654 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13577 SlMAPKKK11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 11 MAPKKK11|Solyc01g111880 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 655 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13817 SlDEAH7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box7 Solyc02g014770 gene taxon:4081 20130304 SGN 656 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 13906 SlWRKY35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IEP P WRKY transcription factor 35 Solyc02g021680|wrky 35 gene taxon:4081 20120709 SGN 657 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14029 SlMAPKKK12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 12 Solyc02g031860|MAPKKK12 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 658 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14137 SlWRKY16 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 16 Solyc02g032950|wrky 16 gene taxon:4081 20120614 SGN 659 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14179 Solyc02g036370 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Myb family transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 660 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14318 SlCycB2_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinB2_2 SlCycB2_2|Solyc02g061690 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 661 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14371 SlSAUR32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA32 Solyc02g062230|SAUR32 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 662 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14371 SlSAUR32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA32 Solyc02g062230|SAUR32 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 663 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14371 SlSAUR32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA32 Solyc02g062230|SAUR32 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 664 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14371 SlSAUR32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA32 Solyc02g062230|SAUR32 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 665 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14472 SlNIP4.3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 4.3 Solyc02g063310|NIP4.3|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 666 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14523 SlGH3_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetas 3-3 SlGH3_3|GH3_3|Solyc02g064830 gene taxon:4081 20150107 SGN 667 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14526 SlCycD3_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD3_5 Solyc02g064860|SlCycD3_5|CycD3_5 gene taxon:4081 20141204 SGN 668 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14530 SlCycD3_6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD3_6 SlCycD3_6|CycD3_6|Solyc02g064900 gene taxon:4081 20141204 SGN 669 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14531 SlCycD3_7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD3_7 SlCycD3_7|CycD3_7|Solyc02g064910 gene taxon:4081 20141204 SGN 670 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14533 SlMAPKKK13 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 13 MAPKKK13|Solyc02g064930 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 671 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14537 Solyc02g064970 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 672 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14537 Solyc02g064970 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IEP P Peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 673 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14538 SlMAPKKK14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase MAPKKK14|Solyc02g064980 gene taxon:4081 20141104 SGN 674 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14551 SlMAPKKK15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 15 MAPKKK15|Solyc02g065110 gene taxon:4081 20141105 SGN 675 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14617 SlTCP28 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 28 Solyc02g065800|TCP28 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 676 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14678 SlWRKY72 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 72 Solyc02g067430|wrky 72 gene taxon:4081 20120615 SGN 677 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14750 SlDEAD6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD6 RNA helicase|Solyc02g068190 gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 678 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14751 SlTCP18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 18 Solyc02g068200|TCP18 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 679 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14853 SlAGO2a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0035195 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute2a Solyc02g069260 gene taxon:4081 20120412 SGN 680 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14854 SlAGO2b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0035195 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute 2b Solyc02g069270 gene taxon:4081 20120412 SGN 681 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14855 SlAGO3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute3 Solyc02g069280 gene taxon:4081 20120412 SGN 682 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 14935 SlDEAD7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD7 Solyc02g070100|RNA helicase|SLDEAD7 gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 683 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15012 BHLH1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding Solyc02g070880 gene taxon:4081 20121101 SGN 684 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15036 SlWRKY71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 71 Solyc02g071130|wrky 71 gene taxon:4081 20120703 SGN 685 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15045 SlRRA2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P type-A response regulator2 SlRRA2|RRA2|Solyc02g071220 gene taxon:4081 20150103 SGN 686 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15095 SlMAPKKK16 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 16 Solyc02g071740|MAPKKK16 gene taxon:4081 20141105 SGN 687 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15112 SlNIP2.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 2.2 SlNIP2,2|NIP2.2|aquaporin|Solyc02g071910 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 688 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15113 SlNIP1.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 1.2 Solyc02g071920|NIP1.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 689 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15124 SlOFP5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 5 SlOFP5 (OVATE family protein 5)|OFP5|Solyc02g072030 gene taxon:4081 20141027 SGN 690 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15140 SlWRKY79 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 79 Solyc02g072190|wrky 79 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 691 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15203 SlMAPKKK17 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 17 MAPKKK17|Solyc02g076780 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 692 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15249 SlTCP1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 1 Solyc02g077250|TCP1|SLTCP1 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 693 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15260 Sl-ERF_B_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010364 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor B.2 Solyc02g077360|Sl-ERF.B.2|SlERF.B.2|ERF.B.2 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 694 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15260 Sl-ERF_B_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor B.2 Solyc02g077360|Sl-ERF.B.2|SlERF.B.2|ERF.B.2 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 695 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15260 Sl-ERF_B_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor B.2 Solyc02g077360|Sl-ERF.B.2|SlERF.B.2|ERF.B.2 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 696 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15261 Sl-ERF_C_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010364 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor C.5 Sl-ERF.C.5|SlERF.C.5|ERF.C.5|Solyc02g077370 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 697 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15261 Sl-ERF_C_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor C.5 Sl-ERF.C.5|SlERF.C.5|ERF.C.5|Solyc02g077370 gene taxon:4081 20141216 SGN 698 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15336 SlMAPKKK18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 18 Solyc02g078140|MAPKKK18 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 699 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15409 SlDEAD8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD8 Solyc02g078880 gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 700 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15454 SlCycD6_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD6_3 SlCycD6_3|CycD6_3|Solyc02g079370 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 701 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15527 Solyc02g080120 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Gibberellin 2-beta- dioxygenase 7 gene taxon:4081 20150106 SGN 702 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15592 SlDHS acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0047484 PMID:23307920 IDA P Deoxyhypusine synthase SlDHS|DHS|Solyc02g080790 gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 703 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15592 SlDHS acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:23307920 IDA P Deoxyhypusine synthase SlDHS|DHS|Solyc02g080790 gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 704 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15592 SlDHS acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Deoxyhypusine synthase SlDHS|DHS|Solyc02g080790 gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 705 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15601 SlWRKY6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 6 wrky 6|Solyc02g080890 gene taxon:4081 20120614 SGN 706 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15638 SlDEAD9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD9 RNA helicase|Solyc02g081290 gene taxon:4081 20130109 SGN 707 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15717 SlC3H18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 18 C3H18|Solyc02g082110 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 708 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15849 SlPIP2.11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.11 PIP2.11|aquaporin|Solyc02g083510 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 709 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15896 SlSAUR33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA33 Solyc02g084010 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 710 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15896 SlSAUR33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA33 Solyc02g084010 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 711 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15896 SlSAUR33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA33 Solyc02g084010 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 712 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15896 SlSAUR33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA33 Solyc02g084010 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 713 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15938 Solyc02g084440 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase gene taxon:4081 20121025 SGN 714 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15938 Solyc02g084440 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006094 PMID:20643807 IDA P Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase gene taxon:4081 20121025 SGN 715 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15984 Solyc02g084930 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc02g084930 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 716 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 15984 Solyc02g084930 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc02g084930 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 717 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16037 OVATE acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 1 OFP1|Solyc02g085510 gene taxon:4081 20141024 SGN 718 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16122 SlC3H21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 21 C3H21|Solyc02g086430 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 719 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16145 SlDEAD10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD10 Solyc02g086660 gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 720 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16230 SlMAPKKK19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 19 MAPKKK19|Solyc02g087590 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 721 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16304 SlWRKY3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 3 Solyc02g088340|wrky 3 gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 722 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16304 SlWRKY3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IEP P WRKY transcription factor 3 Solyc02g088340|wrky 3 gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 723 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16371 SlTCP5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 5 Solyc02g089020|TCP5 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 724 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16448 SlTCP7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 7 TCP7|BRC1B|Solyc02g089830 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 725 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16504 SlMAPKKK20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 20 Solyc02g090430|MAPKKK20 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 726 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16506 Solyc02g090450 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 727 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16506 Solyc02g090450 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 728 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16542 SolycHsfB1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P SolycHsfB1 Solyc02g090820 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 729 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16556 SlMAPKKK21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 21 Solyc02g090970|MAPKKK21 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 730 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16557 SlMAPKKK22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 22 MAPKKK22|Solyc02g090980 gene taxon:4081 20141106 SGN 731 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16558 SlMAPKKK23 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 23 MAPKKK23|Solyc02g090990 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 732 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16601 SlNIP4.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 4.1 Solyc02g091420|NIP4.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 733 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16735 SlGH3_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P IAA-amido synthetase 3-4 SlGH3_4|GH3_4|Solyc02g092820 gene taxon:4081 20150107 SGN 734 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16764 Solyc02g093130 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P AP2/EREBP transcription factor_1 gene taxon:4081 20121101 SGN 735 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16766 AP2c acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:21398570 IEP NCBI_gi:188531132 P APETALA2c Solyc02g093150 gene taxon:4081 20120524 SGN 736 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16766 AP2c acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071369 PMID:21398570 IDA P APETALA2c Solyc02g093150 gene taxon:4081 20120525 SGN 737 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16791 SlMAPKKK24 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 24 MAPKKK24|Solyc02g093410 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 738 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 16876 SlTCP27 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 27 Solyc02g094290|TCP27 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 739 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17024 SlNIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 1.1 NIP1.1|aquaporin|Solyc03g005980 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 740 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17066 SlMAPKKK25 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 25 Solyc03g006400|MAPKKK25 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 741 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17093 SlCycD6_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD6_2 SlCycD6_2|CycD6_2|Solyc03g006670 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 742 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17106 SlTCP21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 21 Solyc03g006800|TCP21 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 743 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17158 Solyc03g007360 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Nodulin MtN3 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 744 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17158 Solyc03g007360 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Nodulin MtN3 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 745 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17160 SlWRKY52 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 52 Solyc03g007380 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 746 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17168 SlCRF4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solanum lycopersicum Cytokinin Response Factor 4 SlCRF4|CRF4|Solyc03g007460 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 747 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17186 SlWRKY68 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 68 Solyc03g007640|wrky 68 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 748 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17253 SlNIP2.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 2.1 NIP2.1|aquaporin|Solyc03g013340 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 749 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17300 SlTIP3.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 3.2 Solyc03g019820|TIP3.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 750 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17303 SlMAPKK5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 5 MAPKK5|Solyc03g019850 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 751 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17303 SlMAPKK5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1902074 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase 5 MAPKK5|Solyc03g019850 gene taxon:4081 20141103 SGN 752 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17351 SlMAPKKK26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 26 MAPKKK26|Solyc03g025360 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 753 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17527 SlCycB2_7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinB2_7 SlCycB2.7|CycB2.7|Solyc03g032190 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 754 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17605 Solyc03g033970 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase 3 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 755 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17605 Solyc03g033970 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase 3 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 756 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17618 SlOFP6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 6 SlOFP6 (OVATE family protein 6)|Solyc03g034100|OFP6 gene taxon:4081 20141027 SGN 757 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17719 Solyc03g044090 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Phototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein gene taxon:4081 20150108 SGN 758 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17739 AP2a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071369 PMID:21398570 IDA P APETALA2a AP2b|Solyc03g044300 gene taxon:4081 20120525 SGN 759 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17808 SlTCP26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 26 Solyc03g045030|TCP26 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 760 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 17905 SlDEAD11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD11 Solyc03g052980 gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 761 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18362 Solyc03g078500 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P UDP-glucuronosyltransferase gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 762 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18362 Solyc03g078500 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P UDP-glucuronosyltransferase gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 763 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18421 Solyc03g080090 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P Nam-like protein 1 gene taxon:4081 20121031 SGN 764 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18462 SlSAUR35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA35 Solyc03g082510 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 765 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18462 SlSAUR35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA35 Solyc03g082510 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 766 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18462 SlSAUR35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA35 Solyc03g082510 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 767 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18462 SlSAUR35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA35 Solyc03g082510 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 768 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18463 SlSAUR36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071472 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA36 SAUR36|Solyc03g082520 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 769 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18463 SlSAUR36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA36 SAUR36|Solyc03g082520 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 770 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18463 SlSAUR36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA36 SAUR36|Solyc03g082520 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 771 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18463 SlSAUR36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA36 SAUR36|Solyc03g082520 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 772 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18464 SlSAUR37 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA37 Solyc03g082530|SAUR37 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 773 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18464 SlSAUR37 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA37 Solyc03g082530|SAUR37 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 774 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18464 SlSAUR37 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA37 Solyc03g082530|SAUR37 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 775 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18464 SlSAUR37 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA37 Solyc03g082530|SAUR37 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 776 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18486 SlWRKY27 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 27 Solyc03g082750|wrky 27|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120712 SGN 777 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18491 SlWRKY26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 26 Solyc03g082810 gene taxon:4081 20120712 SGN 778 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18608 Solyc03g090990 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlCortical cell-delineating protein Cortical cell-delineating protein gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 779 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18608 Solyc03g090990 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlCortical cell-delineating protein Cortical cell-delineating protein gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 780 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18610 Solyc03g091010 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Cortical cell-delineating protein gene taxon:4081 20150122 SGN 781 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18610 Solyc03g091010 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Cortical cell-delineating protein gene taxon:4081 20150122 SGN 782 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18616 Solyc03g093060 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Cortical cell-delineating protein gene taxon:4081 20150122 SGN 783 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18616 Solyc03g093060 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Cortical cell-delineating protein gene taxon:4081 20150122 SGN 784 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18629 SlTIP5.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 5.1 Solyc03g093230|TIP5.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 785 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18679 SlCycU4_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU4_2 Solyc03g093790|SlCycU4_2|CycU4_2 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 786 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18778 SlWRKY80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 80 Solyc03g095770|wrky 80 gene taxon:4081 20120712 SGN 787 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18829 SlPIP1.7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 IEP P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.7 Solyc03g096290|PIP1.7|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 788 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18945 SlSAUR38 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA38 Solyc03g097510|SAUR38 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 789 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18945 SlSAUR38 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA38 Solyc03g097510|SAUR38 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 790 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18945 SlSAUR38 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA38 Solyc03g097510|SAUR38 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 791 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18945 SlSAUR38 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA38 Solyc03g097510|SAUR38 gene taxon:4081 20120920 SGN 792 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 18996 SlCaM6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0075135 PMID:23621884 IDA P Calmodulin 6 Solyc03g098050|CaM6 gene taxon:4081 20130610 SGN 793 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19017 SlAGO1b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute 1b Solyc03g098280 gene taxon:4081 20120410 SGN 794 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19070 SlWRKY5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 5 Solyc03g104810|wrky 5 gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 795 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19161 SlAGO15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute15 Solyc03g111760 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 796 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19199 SlMAPKKK27 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 27 Solyc03g112140|MAPKKK27 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 797 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19220 SlDEAD12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD12 Solyc03g112350 gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 798 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19297 SlWRKY73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 73 Solyc03g113120|wrky 73 gene taxon:4081 20120615 SGN 799 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19340 Solyc03g113570 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Germin-like protein gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 800 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19340 Solyc03g113570 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Germin-like protein gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 801 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19395 SlRDR2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P RNA-dependent RNA polymerase2 Solyc03g114140|RDR2 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 802 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19412 SlMAPKKK28 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 28 Solyc03g114310|MAPKKK28 gene taxon:4081 20141107 SGN 803 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19417 SlDEAD13 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD13 Solyc03g114370|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130213 SGN 804 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19457 SlDEAH9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box9 Solyc03g114780 gene taxon:4081 20130305 SGN 805 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19478 SlTCP4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 4 Solyc03g115010|TCP4|SLTCP4 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 806 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19515 SlDEAH10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box10 Solyc03g115390|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 807 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19606 SlTCP16 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 16 Solyc03g116320|TCP16 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 808 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19661 SlWRKY39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 39 Solyc03g116890|wizz|wrky39 gene taxon:4081 20120613 SGN 809 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19676 SlNIP6.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 6.1 Solyc03g117050|NIP6.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 810 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19715 SlDEAD14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD14 Solyc03g117440 gene taxon:4081 20130215 SGN 811 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19735 SlMAPKKK29 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 29 Solyc03g117640|MAPKKK29 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 812 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19877 SlMAPKKK30 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 30 Solyc03g119140|MAPKKK30 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 813 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19939 SlTCP9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P branched1a Solyc03g119770|TCP9 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 814 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19979 SlOFP7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 7 SlOFP7 (OVATE family protein 7)|Solyc03g120190|OFP7 gene taxon:4081 20141027 SGN 815 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 19980 SlDEAH11 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box11 Solyc03g120200 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 816 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20005 SlTIP2.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 2.2 Solyc03g120470|TIP2.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 817 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20035 SlOFP8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 8 SlOFP8 (OVATE family protein 8)|Solyc03g120790|OFP8 gene taxon:4081 20141027 SGN 818 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009628 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 819 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 820 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22368074 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20120718 SGN 821 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 822 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 823 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1902074 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 824 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20206 SlSAUR39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA39 Solyc03g123550|SAUR39 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 825 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20206 SlSAUR39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA39 Solyc03g123550|SAUR39 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 826 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20206 SlSAUR39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA39 Solyc03g123550|SAUR39 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 827 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20206 SlSAUR39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA39 Solyc03g123550|SAUR39 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 828 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20233 INRPK1c acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P Receptor-like protein kinase INRPK1c Solyc03g123860 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 829 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20279 SlDRM1L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase1 Solyc04g005250|SlDRM1L gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 830 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20279 SlDRM1L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IEP P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase1 Solyc04g005250|SlDRM1L gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 831 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20314 Solyc04g005610 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P NAC domain protein NAC2 gene taxon:4081 20121031 SGN 832 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20352 SlTCP22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 22 Solyc04g006980|TCP22 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 833 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20401 Znf acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Drought responsive Zinc finger protein Solyc04g007470 gene taxon:4081 20121024 SGN 834 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20460 SDS acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinSDS Solyc04g008070|SDS gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 835 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20566 SlTCP14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 14 Solyc04g009180 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 836 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20676 ARP acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Auxin-regulated protein Solyc04g010330|ARP|SlARP gene taxon:4081 20150106 SGN 837 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20718 Solyc04g011760 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc04g011760 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 838 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20718 Solyc04g011760 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc04g011760 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 839 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20763 SlDEAH12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box12 Solyc04g014210|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 840 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20794 Sl-ERF_C_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor C.2 Solyc04g014530|Sl-ERF.C.2|SlERF.C.2|ERF.C.2 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 841 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20810 SlMAPKKK32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 32 Solyc04g014690|MAPKKK32 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 843 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 20827 SlRDR6a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P RNA-dependent RNA polymerase6a Solyc04g014870|rdr6|w gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 844 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21552 SlDEAH13 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box13 Solyc04g050150 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 845 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21558 SlWRKY69 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 69 Solyc04g050210 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 846 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21670 Sl-ERF_D_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.1 Solyc04g051360|Sl-ERF.D.1|SlERF.D.1|ERF.D.1 gene taxon:4081 20141217 SGN 847 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21687 SlWRKY13 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 13 Solyc04g051540|wrky 13 gene taxon:4081 20120629 SGN 848 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21701 SlWRKY51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 51 Solyc04g051690|wrky 51 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 849 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21862 SlWRKY36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 36 Solyc04g056360|wrky 36|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120612 SGN 850 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21924 SlC3H33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 33 Solyc04g057990|24870401|C3H33 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 851 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 21985 SlMAPKKK33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 33 Solyc04g064590|MAPKKK33 gene taxon:4081 20141110 SGN 852 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22083 Asr_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009628 PMID:17602312 IEP P Abscicic acid stress ripening 2 Solyc04g071580|Asr2 gene taxon:4081 20120509 SGN 853 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22131 SlWRKY55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 55 Solyc04g072070|wrky 55 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 854 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22153 Solyc04g072300 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Ethylene-responsive transcription factor 4 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 855 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22211 SlCycH1_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P CycH1_2 Solyc04g072880|SlCycH1_2 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 856 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22211 SlCycH1_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P CycH1_2 Solyc04g072880|SlCycH1_2 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 857 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22305 Solyc04g074890 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc04g074890 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 858 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22305 Solyc04g074890 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc04g074890 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 859 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22321 SlCycD5_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD5_1 Solyc04g076040|SlCycD5_1|CycD5_1 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 860 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22362 SlMAPKKK34 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 34 Solyc04g076480|MAPKKK34 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 861 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22495 SlCycD7_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD7_1 Solyc04g077880|SlCycD7_1|D7_1 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 862 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22535 SlCycA3_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin A3_1 Solyc04g078310|SlCycA3.2|CycA3_2 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 863 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22553 J18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinJ18 Solyc04g078500|J18 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 864 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22558 SlWRKY7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 7 Solyc04g078550|wrky 7 gene taxon:4081 20120703 SGN 865 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22636 SlMAPKKK35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 35 Solyc04g079400|MAPKKK35 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 866 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22646 Solyc04g079510 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Peptide transporter gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 867 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22646 Solyc04g079510 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Peptide transporter gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 868 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22773 SlCKX4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P cytokinin oxidase4 Solyc04g080820|SlCKX4|CKX4|cytokinin oxidase4|cytokinin dehydrogenase 4 gene taxon:4081 20150102 SGN 869 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22773 SlCKX4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P cytokinin oxidase4 Solyc04g080820|SlCKX4|CKX4|cytokinin oxidase4|cytokinin dehydrogenase 4 gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 870 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22813 SlSAUR51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA51 Solyc04g081250|SAUR51 gene taxon:4081 20120924 SGN 871 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22813 SlSAUR51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA51 Solyc04g081250|SAUR51 gene taxon:4081 20120924 SGN 872 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22813 SlSAUR51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA51 Solyc04g081250|SAUR51 gene taxon:4081 20120924 SGN 873 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22813 SlSAUR51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA51 Solyc04g081250|SAUR51 gene taxon:4081 20120924 SGN 874 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22815 SlSAUR52 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA52 Solyc04g081270|SAUR52 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 875 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22815 SlSAUR52 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA52 Solyc04g081270|SAUR52 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 876 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22815 SlSAUR52 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA52 Solyc04g081270|SAUR52 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 877 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22815 SlSAUR52 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA52 Solyc04g081270|SAUR52 gene taxon:4081 20120925 SGN 878 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22843 SlDEAD15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD15 Solyc04g081580 gene taxon:4081 20130215 SGN 879 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22851 SlCycB2_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinB2_3 Solyc04g081660|SlCycB2.3|CycB2.3 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 880 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22871 Solyc04g081860 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc04g081860 peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 881 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22871 Solyc04g081860 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc04g081860 peroxidase gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 882 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22921 SlCycB2_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 ISS P cyclinB2_4 Solyc04g082430|SlCycB2.4|CycB2.4 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 883 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22924 Solyc04g082460 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0019430 PMID:20643807 IDA P Catalase 3 gene taxon:4081 20121026 SGN 884 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22955 SlDEAD16 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD16 Solyc04g082790 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 885 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 22984 Solyc05g005080 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P Endo-1,4-beta-glucanase gene taxon:4081 20121108 SGN 886 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23021 Solyc05g005470 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Nucleoredoxin 1 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 887 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23021 Solyc05g005470 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Nucleoredoxin 1 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 888 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23075 SlCycD1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD1_1 Solyc05g006050|SlCycD1_1|CycD1_1 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 889 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23083 SlDEAD17 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD17 Solyc05g006130 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 890 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23141 Solyc05g006740 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Glutathione S-transferase gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 891 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23141 Solyc05g006740 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Glutathione S-transferase gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 892 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23178 SlWRKY76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 76 Solyc05g007110|wrky 76 gene taxon:4081 20120629 SGN 893 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23207 SlTCP23 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 23 Solyc05g007420 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 894 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23267 SlNIP4.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 4.2 Solyc05g008080|NIP4.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 895 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23392 SlC3H37 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 37 Solyc05g009350|C3H37 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 896 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23446 SlTCP25 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 25 Solyc05g009900|TCP25 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 897 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23549 Solyc05g011940 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlCytochrome P450 gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 898 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23549 Solyc05g011940 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlCytochrome P450 gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 899 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23603 SlWRKY57 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 57 Solyc05g012500|wrky 57 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 900 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23629 SlWRKY4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 4 Solyc05g012770|wrky 4|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 901 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23755 SlWRKY70 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 70 Solyc05g014040 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 902 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23818 SlDEAH14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box14 Solyc05g014690|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 903 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23853 SlDEAH15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box 15 Solyc05g015040|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 904 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 23933 SlWRKY75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 75 Solyc05g015850|wrky 75 gene taxon:4081 20120703 SGN 905 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24495 SlMAPKKK36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 36 Solyc05g041420|MAPKKK36 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 906 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24603 SlDEAH16 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box16 Solyc05g044480|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 907 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24606 SlDEAH17 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box17 Solyc05g044510 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 908 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24627 SlWRKY65 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 65 Solyc05g045710|wrky 65 gene taxon:4081 20120709 SGN 909 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24636 SlWRKY67 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 67 Solyc05g045800|wrky 67 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 910 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24644 SlWRKY66 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 66 Solyc05g045880|wrky 66 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 911 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24688 SlSAUR55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA55 Solyc05g046320|SAUR55 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 912 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24688 SlSAUR55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA55 Solyc05g046320|SAUR55 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 913 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24688 SlSAUR55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA55 Solyc05g046320|SAUR55 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 914 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24688 SlSAUR55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA55 Solyc05g046320|SAUR55 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 915 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24714 Solyc05g047590 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Pectinesterase gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 916 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24714 Solyc05g047590 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Pectinesterase gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 917 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24740 SlDEAD18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD18 Solyc05g048850 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 918 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24759 SlWRKY62 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 62 Solyc05g050040|wrky 62 gene taxon:4081 20120709 SGN 919 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24760 SlWRKY63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 63 Solyc05g050050|wrky 63 gene taxon:4081 20120709 SGN 920 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24761 SlWRKY64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 64 Solyc05g050060|wrky 64 gene taxon:4081 20120709 SGN 921 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24787 SlWRKY60 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 60 Solyc05g050330|wrky 60 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 922 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24788 SlWRKY58 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 58 Solyc05g050340|wrky 58 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 923 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24836 Solyc05g050830 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Ethylene-responsive transcription factor4 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 924 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 24893 SlCycD4_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD4_2 Solyc05g051410|SlCycD4_2|CycD4_2 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 925 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25080 SlWRKY48 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 48 Solyc05g053380|22570076 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 926 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25311 SlWRKY34 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 34 SlWRKY34|Solyc05g055750|wrky 34 gene taxon:4081 20120612 SGN 927 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25334 SlPIP2.12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.12 Solyc05g055990|PIP2.12|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 928 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25376 SlSAUR56 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA56 Solyc05g056430 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 929 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25376 SlSAUR56 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA56 Solyc05g056430 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 930 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25376 SlSAUR56 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA56 Solyc05g056430 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 931 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25376 SlSAUR56 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA56 Solyc05g056430 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 932 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25377 SlSAUR57 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA57 Solyc05g056440 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 933 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25377 SlSAUR57 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA57 Solyc05g056440 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 934 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25377 SlSAUR57 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA57 Solyc05g056440 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 935 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25377 SlSAUR57 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA57 Solyc05g056440 gene taxon:4081 20120926 SGN 936 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25420 Solyc06g005310 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P MYB transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 937 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25420 Solyc06g005310 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P MYB transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 938 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25645 SlWRKY21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 21 Solyc06g008610|wrky 21 gene taxon:4081 20120706 SGN 939 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25679 SlDEAH18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box18 Solyc06g008970|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 940 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25816 SlPIP2.4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 IEP P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.4 Solyc06g011350|PIP2.4|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 941 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25959 Solyc06g031710 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Nodulin-like protein gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 942 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 25959 Solyc06g031710 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Nodulin-like protein gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 943 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26247 SlRRA7 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Response regulator 7 Solyc06g048600|SlRRA7|RRA7 gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 944 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26274 SlWRKY19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 19 Solyc06g048870|wrky 19 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 945 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26283 SlDCL2a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 2a Solyc06g048960 gene taxon:4081 20120330 SGN 946 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26402 SlRDR3b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P RNA-dependent RNA polymerase3b Solyc06g051170 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 947 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26629 SlDEAH19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box19 Solyc06g054560|RNA helicase gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 948 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26635 SlC3H43 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 43 Solyc06g054620|C3H43 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 949 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26660 Solyc06g059880 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Acetolactate synthase gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 950 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26660 Solyc06g059880 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Acetolactate synthase gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 951 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26843 SlDEAD19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD19 Solyc06g062800 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 952 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 26978 SlTCP13 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 13 Solyc06g065190|TCP13 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 953 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27057 Solyc06g066020 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P Solyc06g066020 gene taxon:4081 20120221 SGN 954 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27091 SlWRKY31 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 31 Solyc06g066370|wrky 31|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120611 SGN 955 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27109 SlTIP2.5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 2.5 Solyc06g066560|TIP2.5|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 956 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27120 SlDEAH20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box20 Solyc06g066670 gene taxon:4081 20130311 SGN 957 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27196 SlWRKY40 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 40 Solyc06g068460|wrky 40 gene taxon:4081 20120613 SGN 958 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27201 SlMAPKKK38 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 38 Solyc06g068510|MAPKKK38 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 959 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27207 Solyc06g068570 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P AP2-like ethylene-responsive transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 960 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27247 SlMAPKKK39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 39 MAPKKK39|Solyc06g068980 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 961 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27271 SlTCP8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P branched1b Solyc06g069240 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 962 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27292 SlTCP6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 6 Solyc06g069460|TCP6 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 963 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27337 SlTCP17 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 17 Solyc06g070900 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 964 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27386 SlMAPKKK40 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 40 Solyc06g071410|MAPKKK40 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 965 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27425 SlMAPKKK41 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 41 Solyc06g071800|MAPKKK41 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 966 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27456 SlTIP3.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 3.1 Solyc06g072130|TIP3.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 967 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27493 SlbHLH048 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P bHLH transcription factor GBOF-1 Solyc06g072520|bHLH transcription factor 047 gene taxon:4081 20121031 SGN 968 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27505 SlSAUR61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA61 SAUR61|Solyc06g072650 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 969 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27505 SlSAUR61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA61 SAUR61|Solyc06g072650 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 970 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27505 SlSAUR61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA61 SAUR61|Solyc06g072650 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 971 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27505 SlSAUR61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA61 SAUR61|Solyc06g072650 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 972 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27512 SlC3H47 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042630 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 47 Solyc06g072720|C3H47 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 973 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27512 SlC3H47 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009737 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 47 Solyc06g072720|C3H47 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 974 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27512 SlC3H47 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0070417 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 47 Solyc06g072720|C3H47 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 975 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27587 SlAGO4c acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute4c Solyc06g073530 gene taxon:4081 20120413 SGN 976 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27588 SlAGO4b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute4b Solyc06g073540 gene taxon:4081 20120413 SGN 977 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27592 ACCO1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IEP P 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase1 ACCO1|SlACCO1|Solyc06g073580 gene taxon:4081 20150106 SGN 978 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27593 SlNIP3.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P Solyc06g073590 Solyc06g073590 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 979 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27697 SlAGO5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute 5 Solyc06g074730 gene taxon:4081 20120411 SGN 980 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27717 SlSAUR62 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA62 Solyc06g074950 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 981 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27717 SlSAUR62 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 SGN_ref:861 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA62 Solyc06g074950 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 982 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27717 SlSAUR62 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA62 Solyc06g074950 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 983 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27786 SlTIP1.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 1.2 Solyc06g075650|TIP1.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 984 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27891 Solyc06g076760 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009807 PMID:23307920 IDA P Laccase 1a gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 985 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27897 Solyc06g076820 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Zinc finger (C2H2 type) family protein gene taxon:4081 20121031 SGN 986 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27917 SlC3H48 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 48 24870401|C3H48|Solyc06g082010 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 987 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27962 SlOFP14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:23371549 IDA P ovate family protein 14 SlOFP14 (OVATE family protein 14)|Solyc06g082460|OFP14 gene taxon:4081 20141027 SGN 988 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27963 SlMAPKKK42 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 42 MAPKKK 42|Solyc06g082470 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 989 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 27992 Solyc06g082770 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P LOB domain family protein gene taxon:4081 20150106 SGN 990 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28039 SlCycC1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin1_1 Solyc06g083260|SlCycC1_1 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 991 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28176 SlDCL4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 4 Solyc07g005030|w-3|w3|w2 gene taxon:4081 20120403 SGN 992 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28237 SlWRKY32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 32 Solyc07g005650|wrky 32|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120611 SGN 993 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28345 SlMAPKKK43 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 43 MAPKKK43|Solyc07g006760 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 994 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28381 SlMAPKKK44 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 44 Solyc07g007140|MAPKKK44 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 995 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28466 SlIAA19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P auxin-regulated 19 Solyc07g008020|iaa19 gene taxon:4081 20120221 SGN 996 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28466 SlIAA19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated 19 Solyc07g008020|iaa19 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 997 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28504 SlMAPKKK45 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1900150 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 45 Solyc07g008400|MAPKKK45 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 998 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28504 SlMAPKKK45 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 45 Solyc07g008400|MAPKKK45 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 999 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28623 SlSAUR63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA63 Solyc07g014620|SAUR63 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1000 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28623 SlSAUR63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA63 Solyc07g014620|SAUR63 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1001 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28623 SlSAUR63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA63 Solyc07g014620|SAUR63 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1002 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28623 SlSAUR63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA63 Solyc07g014620|SAUR63 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1003 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28630 Solyc07g014690 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Potassium transporter gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1004 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28630 Solyc07g014690 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Potassium transporter gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1005 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28803 SlIAA20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA20 SlIAA20|iaa20|Solyc07g019450 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 1006 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28803 SlIAA20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA20 SlIAA20|iaa20|Solyc07g019450 gene taxon:4081 20120221 SGN 1007 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 28803 SlIAA20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA20 SlIAA20|iaa20|Solyc07g019450 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 1008 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29111 SlCycT1_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinT1_2 Solyc07g032480|SlCycT1_2|CycT1_2 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 1009 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29220 SlDEAH21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box21 RNA helicase|Solyc07g039550 gene taxon:4081 20130313 SGN 1010 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29234 SolycHsfA9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P SolycHsfA9 Solyc07g040680 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1011 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29240 SlDEAD21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD21 Solyc07g040750 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 1012 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29365 SlDEAH22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 SGN_ref:861 IDA P RNA helicase DEAH-box22 RNA helicase|Solyc07g042010 gene taxon:4081 20130313 SGN 1013 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29389 SlDEAD22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD22 Solyc07g042270 gene taxon:4081 20130218 SGN 1014 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29409 SlSAUR64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA64 Solyc07g042470|SAUR64 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1015 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29409 SlSAUR64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA64 Solyc07g042470|SAUR64 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1016 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29409 SlSAUR64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA64 Solyc07g042470|SAUR64 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1017 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29409 SlSAUR64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA64 Solyc07g042470|SAUR64 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1018 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29429 SlMAPKKK46 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 46 Solyc07g042680|MAPKKK46 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 1019 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29450 SlMAPKKK47 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 47 Solyc07g042890|MAPKKK47 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 1020 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29519 Solyc07g043610 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P Auxin response factor_SGN-U230670 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1021 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29535 SlDEAD23 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD23 Solyc07g044760 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 1022 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29646 SlMAPKKK48 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1900150 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 48 Solyc07g047910|MAPKKK48 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 1023 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29646 SlMAPKKK48 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 48 Solyc07g047910|MAPKKK48 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 1024 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29649 SlC3H49 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 49 Solyc07g047940|C3H49 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1025 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29651 SlWRKY1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 1 wrky|Solyc07g047960 gene taxon:4081 20120607 SGN 1026 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29654 SlMAPKKK49 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 49 MAPKKK49|Solyc07g047990 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 1027 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29654 SlMAPKKK49 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:1900150 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 49 MAPKKK49|Solyc07g047990 gene taxon:4081 20141118 SGN 1028 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29655 Solyc07g048000 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Phototropic-responsive NPH3 gene taxon:4081 20150108 SGN 1029 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29703 Sl-ERF_F_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor F.3 Sl-ERF.F.3|ERF.F.3|SlERF.F.3|Solyc07g049490 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1030 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29704 SlAGO6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute6 Solyc07g049500 gene taxon:4081 20120412 SGN 1031 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29736 SlWRKY17 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 17 wrky 17|Solyc07g051840 gene taxon:4081 20120615 SGN 1032 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29738 SlMAPKKK50 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 50 MAPKKK50|Solyc07g051860 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1033 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29739 SlMAPKKK51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 51 MAPKKK51|Solyc07g051870 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1034 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29739 SlMAPKKK51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 51 MAPKKK51|Solyc07g051870 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1035 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29739 SlMAPKKK51 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 51 MAPKKK51|Solyc07g051870 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1036 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29741 SlMAPKKK53 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 53 MAPKKK53|Solyc07g051890 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1037 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29741 SlMAPKKK53 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 53 MAPKKK53|Solyc07g051890 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1038 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29741 SlMAPKKK53 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 53 MAPKKK53|Solyc07g051890 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1039 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29744 SlMAPKKK54 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 54 Solyc07g051920|MAPKKK54 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1040 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29745 SlMAPKKK55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 55 MAPKKK55|Solyc07g051930 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1041 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29745 SlMAPKKK55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 55 MAPKKK55|Solyc07g051930 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1042 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29745 SlMAPKKK55 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 55 MAPKKK55|Solyc07g051930 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1043 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29811 SlCycU1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU1_1 SlCycU1_1|Solyc07g052610 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 1044 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29811 SlCycU1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU1_1 SlCycU1_1|Solyc07g052610 gene taxon:4081 20141209 SGN 1045 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29865 SlMAPKKK56 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 56 MAPKKK56|Solyc07g053170 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1046 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29888 SlTCP10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 10 Solyc07g053410|TCP10 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1047 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29920 Sl-ERF_F_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor F.4 Sl-ERF.F.4|SlERF.F.4|ERF.F.4|Solyc07g053740 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1048 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29920 Sl-ERF_F_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor F.4 Sl-ERF.F.4|SlERF.F.4|ERF.F.4|Solyc07g053740 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1049 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29920 Sl-ERF_F_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IEP P Ethylene Response Factor F.4 Sl-ERF.F.4|SlERF.F.4|ERF.F.4|Solyc07g053740 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1050 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 29921 SlC3H50 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 50 Solyc07g053750|C3H50 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1051 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30039 SlCycD6_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD6_1 SlCycD6_1|CycD6_1|Solyc07g054950 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 1052 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30039 SlCycD6_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD6_1 SlCycD6_1|CycD6_1|Solyc07g054950 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 1053 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30057 SlMAPKKK57 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 57 MAPKKK57|Solyc07g055130 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1054 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30071 SlWRKY78 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 78 Solyc07g055280|wrky 78 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 1055 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30127 SlMAPKKK58 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 58 Solyc07g055870|MAPKKK58 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1056 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30164 SlWRKY30 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 ISS P WRKY transcription factor 30 Solyc07g056280 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 1057 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30407 SlGH3_9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P IAA-amido synthetase 3-9 Solyc07g063850|SlGH3_9|GH3_9 gene taxon:4081 20150107 SGN 1058 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30470 SlDEAD24 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD24 Solyc07g064520 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 1059 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30497 SlMAPKKK59 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 59 MAPKKK59|Solyc07g064820 gene taxon:4081 20141117 SGN 1060 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30504 Sl-ERF_F_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor F.2 Solyc07g064890 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1061 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30504 Sl-ERF_F_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor F.2 Solyc07g064890 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1062 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30504 Sl-ERF_F_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor F.2 Solyc07g064890 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1063 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30539 SlMAPKKK60 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 60 MAPKKK60|Solyc07g065250 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1064 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30540 SlWRKY18 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 18 Solyc07g065260|wrky 18 gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 1065 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30562 Solyc07g065500 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P CCAAT-binding transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1066 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30631 SlWRKY2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 2 Solyc07g066220|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120607 SGN 1067 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30663 SlSAUR65 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA65 Solyc07g066560 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 1068 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30663 SlSAUR65 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA65 Solyc07g066560 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 1069 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30663 SlSAUR65 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA65 Solyc07g066560 gene taxon:4081 20121015 SGN 1070 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30672 SlCycB3_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinB3_1 CycB3_1|Solyc07g066660 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 1071 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30953 SlMAPKKK61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 61 Solyc08g007910|MAPKKK61 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1072 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30967 SlPIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.1 Solyc08g008050|PIP1.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 1073 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30967 SlPIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.1 Solyc08g008050|PIP1.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 1074 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30967 SlPIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.1 Solyc08g008050|PIP1.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1075 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 30988 SlWRKY53 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 53 Solyc08g008280|wrky 53 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 1076 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31033 SlNIP5.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein5.1 NIP5.1|aquaporin|Solyc08g013730 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1077 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31071 er33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P ethylene responssive protein 33 Solyc08g014120 gene taxon:4081 20121101 SGN 1078 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31241 SlIAA21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA21 IAA21|Solyc08g021820 gene taxon:4081 20120221 SGN 1079 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31241 SlIAA21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA21 IAA21|Solyc08g021820 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1080 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31241 SlIAA21 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA21 IAA21|Solyc08g021820 gene taxon:4081 20141124 SGN 1081 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31467 SlDEAD25 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD25 Solyc08g042050 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 1082 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31602 SlTCP29 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 29 TCP29|Solyc08g048370 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1083 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31604 SlTCP24 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 24 Solyc08g048390 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1084 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31777 SlMAPKKK62 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 62 Solyc08g062140|MAPKKK62 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1085 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31812 SlWRKY50 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 50 Solyc08g062490|wrky 50 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 1086 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31842 SlDEAD26 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD26 Solyc08g062800 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 1087 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 31856 SolycHsfA2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P SolycHsfA2 Solyc08g062960 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1088 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32012 Solyc08g066590 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Root cap protein 3 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 1089 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32012 Solyc08g066590 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Root cap protein 3 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 1090 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32018 SlCCD8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016120 PMID:22924438 IDA P Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenase 8 Solyc08g066650 gene taxon:4081 20130404 SGN 1091 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32036 SlTIP4.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 4.1 Solyc08g066840|TIP4.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1092 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32059 SlMETL acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferaseL SlMETL|Solyc08g067070 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1093 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32059 SlMETL acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferaseL SlMETL|Solyc08g067070 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1094 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32072 SlDCL3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 3 Solyc08g067210 gene taxon:4081 20120403 SGN 1095 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32085 SlWRKY46 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 46 Solyc08g067340 gene taxon:4081 20120614 SGN 1096 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32087 SlWRKY45 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 45 Solyc08g067360 gene taxon:4081 20120614 SGN 1097 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32253 SlMAPKKK63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 63 Solyc08g069090|MAPKKK63 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1098 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32424 SlRDR6b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P RNA-dependent RNA polymerase6b Solyc08g075820 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 1099 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32461 SlDEAD27 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD27 Solyc08g076200 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 1100 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32488 SlMAPKKK64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 64 Solyc08g076490 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1101 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32652 Sl-ERF-A_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IEP P Ethylene Response Factor A.1 Solyc08g078180|Sl-ERF.A.1|SlERF.A.1|ERF.A.1 gene taxon:4081 20141219 SGN 1102 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32740 SlSAUR66 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA66 Solyc08g079130|SAUR66 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1103 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32740 SlSAUR66 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA66 Solyc08g079130|SAUR66 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1104 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32740 SlSAUR66 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA66 Solyc08g079130|SAUR66 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1105 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32740 SlSAUR66 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA66 Solyc08g079130|SAUR66 gene taxon:4081 20121016 SGN 1106 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32741 SlSAUR67 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA67 SAUR67|Solyc08g079140 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1107 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32741 SlSAUR67 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA67 SAUR67|Solyc08g079140 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1108 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32741 SlSAUR67 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA67 SAUR67|Solyc08g079140 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1109 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32741 SlSAUR67 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA67 SAUR67|Solyc08g079140 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1110 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32834 SlTCP20 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 20 Solyc08g080150|TCP20 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1111 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32864 SlMAPKKK65 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 65 MAPKKK65|Solyc08g080460 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1112 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32932 SlMAPKKK66 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 66 Solyc08g081210|MAPKKK66 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1113 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32968 SlWRKY56 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 56 Solyc08g081630|wrky 56 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 1114 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32982 Solyc08g081780 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Dirigent protein gene taxon:4081 20150122 SGN 1115 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 32982 Solyc08g081780 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Dirigent protein gene taxon:4081 20150123 SGN 1116 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33014 SlWRKY54 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 54 Solyc08g082110|wrky 54 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 1117 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33024 Solyc08g082210 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P AP2/EREBP transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20121101 SGN 1118 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33099 SlMAPKKK67 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 67 MAPKKK67|Solyc08g082980 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1119 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33256 Solyc09g007180 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0043173 PMID:20643807 IDA P Adenylate kinase gene taxon:4081 20121025 SGN 1120 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33256 Solyc09g007180 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Adenylate kinase gene taxon:4081 20121025 SGN 1121 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33313 SlPIP2.10 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.10 Solyc09g007760|SlPIP2.9|PIP2.9|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1122 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33314 SlPIP2.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.1 PIP2.1|aquaporin|Solyc09g007770 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1123 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33333 SlSAUR68 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA68 SAUR68|Solyc09g007970 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1124 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33333 SlSAUR68 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA68 SAUR68|Solyc09g007970 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1125 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33333 SlSAUR68 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA68 SAUR68|Solyc09g007970 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1126 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33333 SlSAUR68 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA68 SAUR68|Solyc09g007970 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1127 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33339 SlTCP19 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 19 Solyc09g008030|TCP19 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1128 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33353 SlSAUR69 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA69 Solyc09g008170|SAUR69 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1129 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33353 SlSAUR69 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA69 Solyc09g008170|SAUR69 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1130 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33353 SlSAUR69 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA69 Solyc09g008170|SAUR69 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1131 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33353 SlSAUR69 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA69 Solyc09g008170|SAUR69 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1132 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33383 Solyc09g008480 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase gene taxon:4081 20121108 SGN 1133 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33441 SlROS1L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P DNA demethylase1L SlROS1L|Solyc09g009080 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1134 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33441 SlROS1L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P DNA demethylase1L SlROS1L|Solyc09g009080 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1135 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33528 SlSAUR70 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA70 SAUR70|Solyc09g009980 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1136 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33528 SlSAUR70 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA70 SAUR70|Solyc09g009980 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1137 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33528 SlSAUR70 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA70 SAUR70|Solyc09g009980 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1138 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33528 SlSAUR70 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA70 SAUR70|Solyc09g009980 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1139 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33619 SlWRKY49 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 49 Solyc09g010960|wrky 49|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120712 SGN 1140 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33820 SlWRKY33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 33 Solyc09g014990|wrky 33|wrky gene taxon:4081 20120612 SGN 1141 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33897 SlWRKY81 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 81 Solyc09g015770 gene taxon:4081 20120712 SGN 1142 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33913 SlDEAD28 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD28 Solyc09g015930 gene taxon:4081 20130219 SGN 1143 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33928 SlMAPKKK69 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 69 Solyc09g018060|MAPKKK69 gene taxon:4081 20141114 SGN 1144 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 33939 SlMAPKKK70 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 70 MAPKKK70|Solyc09g018170 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1145 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34685 SlIAA22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA22 IAA22|Solyc09g064530 gene taxon:4081 20120221 SGN 1146 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34685 SlIAA22 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA22 IAA22|Solyc09g064530 gene taxon:4081 20141124 SGN 1147 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34751 SlCycU3_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU3_1 SlCycU3_1|CycU3_1|Solyc09g065200 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 1148 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34751 SlCycU3_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinU3_1 SlCycU3_1|CycU3_1|Solyc09g065200 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 1149 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34828 SlWRKY24 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 24 Solyc09g066010|wrky 24 gene taxon:4081 20120706 SGN 1150 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34971 Solyc09g074430 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Monooxygenase Monooxygenase gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 1151 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34971 Solyc09g074430 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl Monooxygenase Monooxygenase gene taxon:4081 20150126 SGN 1152 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 34981 Solyc09g074530 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P Nodulin MtN3 family protein gene taxon:4081 20121108 SGN 1153 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35099 SlCycT1_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinT1_3 SlCycT1_3|ClycT1_3|Solyc09g075760 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 1154 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35122 SlMAPKKK71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 71 MAPKKK71|Solyc09g076000 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1155 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35204 SlAGO10a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute 10a Solyc09g082830 gene taxon:4081 20120410 SGN 1156 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35249 SlIAA1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA1 IAA1|Solyc09g083280 gene taxon:4081 20120221 SGN 1157 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35249 SlIAA1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA1 IAA1|Solyc09g083280 gene taxon:4081 20141124 SGN 1158 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35249 SlIAA1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA1 IAA1|Solyc09g083280 gene taxon:4081 20141124 SGN 1159 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35250 SlIAA24 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA24 IAA24|Solyc09g083290 gene taxon:4081 20141124 SGN 1160 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35250 SlIAA24 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA24 IAA24|Solyc09g083290 gene taxon:4081 20120222 SGN 1161 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35389 SlDEAD29 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD29 Solyc09g090740 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1162 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35405 SlIAA25 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA25 Solyc09g090910|IAA25 gene taxon:4081 20120222 SGN 1163 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35405 SlIAA25 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010600 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA25 Solyc09g090910|IAA25 gene taxon:4081 20141124 SGN 1164 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35417 Solyc09g091030 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Beta-amylase 1 gene taxon:4081 20121026 SGN 1165 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35417 Solyc09g091030 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0005983 PMID:20643807 IDA P Beta-amylase 1 gene taxon:4081 20121026 SGN 1166 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35556 TPS14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P sesquiterpene synthase 14 SlTPS14|Solyc09g092470 gene taxon:4081 20150105 SGN 1167 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35681 SlDCL1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 1 Solyc10g005130 gene taxon:4081 20120403 SGN 1168 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35720 SlDEAD30 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD30 Solyc10g005520 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1169 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35736 SlWRKY15 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 15 wrky 15|wrky|Solyc10g005680 gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 1170 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35781 SlERF36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P EAR motif SlERF36 Solyc10g006130|EAR motif SlERF36|Sl-ERF.F.1|SlERF.F.1|ERF.F.1|Ethylene Response Factor F.1 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 1171 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35781 SlERF36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P EAR motif SlERF36 Solyc10g006130|EAR motif SlERF36|Sl-ERF.F.1|SlERF.F.1|ERF.F.1|Ethylene Response Factor F.1 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 1172 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35916 SlDEAD31 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD31 Solyc10g007550 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1173 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 35956 SlWRKY77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 77 Solyc10g007970|wrky 77 gene taxon:4081 20120710 SGN 1174 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36037 SlTCP30 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 30 Solyc10g008780|TCP30 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1175 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36063 SlMAPKKK72 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 72 MAPKKK72|Solyc10g009060 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1176 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36064 SlDEAD32 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD32 Solyc10g009070 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1177 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36091 SlMAPKKK73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 73 Solyc10g009350|MAPKKK73 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1178 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36111 SlWRKY42 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 42 wrky 42|Solyc10g009550 gene taxon:4081 20120711 SGN 1179 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36149 SlWRKY25 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 25 Solyc10g011910|wrky 25 gene taxon:4081 20120706 SGN 1180 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36208 SlMAPKKK74 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 74 Solyc10g017490|MAPKKK74 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1181 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36212 SlDEAD33 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD33 Solyc10g017530 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1182 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36273 Solyc10g018150 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlCytochromeP450 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 1183 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36273 Solyc10g018150 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P SlCytochromeP450 gene taxon:4081 20150116 SGN 1184 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36292 SlSAUR71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA71 Solyc10g018340|SAUR71 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1185 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36292 SlSAUR71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA71 Solyc10g018340|SAUR71 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1186 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36292 SlSAUR71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000070 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA71 Solyc10g018340|SAUR71 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1187 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36292 SlSAUR71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA71 Solyc10g018340|SAUR71 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1188 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36964 Sl-ERF_D_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.4 Solyc10g050970|Sl-ERF.D.4|SlERF.D.4|ERF.D.4 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 1189 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 36964 Sl-ERF_D_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.4 Solyc10g050970|Sl-ERF.D.4|SlERF.D.4|ERF.D.4 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 1190 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37020 SlSAUR73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA73 Solyc10g052540 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1191 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37020 SlSAUR73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA73 Solyc10g052540 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1192 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37020 SlSAUR73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA73 Solyc10g052540 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1193 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37020 SlSAUR73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA73 Solyc10g052540 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1194 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37021 SlSAUR74 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA74 SAUR74|Solyc10g052550 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1195 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37021 SlSAUR74 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA74 SAUR74|Solyc10g052550 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1196 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37021 SlSAUR74 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA74 SAUR74|Solyc10g052550 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1197 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37021 SlSAUR74 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA74 SAUR74|Solyc10g052550 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1198 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37022 SlSAUR75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA75 SAUR75|Solyc10g052560 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1199 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37022 SlSAUR75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA75 SAUR75|Solyc10g052560 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1200 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37022 SlSAUR75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 ISS P Small auxin up-regulated RNA75 SAUR75|Solyc10g052560 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1201 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37022 SlSAUR75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA75 SAUR75|Solyc10g052560 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1202 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37024 SlSAUR76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA76 Solyc10g052580|SAUR76 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1203 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37024 SlSAUR76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 SGN_ref:861 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA76 Solyc10g052580|SAUR76 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1204 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37024 SlSAUR76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA76 Solyc10g052580|SAUR76 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1205 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37024 SlSAUR76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA76 Solyc10g052580|SAUR76 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1206 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37025 SlSAUR77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA77 Solyc10g052590 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1207 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37025 SlSAUR77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA77 Solyc10g052590 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1208 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37025 SlSAUR77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA77 Solyc10g052590 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1209 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37025 SlSAUR77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA77 Solyc10g052590 gene taxon:4081 20121017 SGN 1210 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37138 SlSAUR78 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA78 Solyc10g054720 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1211 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37138 SlSAUR78 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA78 Solyc10g054720 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1212 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37138 SlSAUR78 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA78 Solyc10g054720 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1213 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37138 SlSAUR78 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA78 Solyc10g054720 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1214 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37141 SlSAUR79 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA79 SAUR79|Solyc10g054750 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1215 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37141 SlSAUR79 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA79 SAUR79|Solyc10g054750 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1216 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37141 SlSAUR79 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA79 SAUR79|Solyc10g054750 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1217 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37141 SlSAUR79 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 ISS P Small auxin up-regulated RNA79 SAUR79|Solyc10g054750 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1218 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37142 SlSAUR80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA80 SAUR80|Solyc10g054760 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1219 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37142 SlSAUR80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA80 SAUR80|Solyc10g054760 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1220 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37142 SlSAUR80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA80 SAUR80|Solyc10g054760 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1221 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37142 SlSAUR80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA80 SAUR80|Solyc10g054760 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1222 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37143 SlSAUR81 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA81 SAUR81|Solyc10g054770 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1223 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37143 SlSAUR81 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA81 SAUR81|Solyc10g054770 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1224 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37143 SlSAUR81 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA81 SAUR81|Solyc10g054770 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1225 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37143 SlSAUR81 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA81 SAUR81|Solyc10g054770 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1226 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37145 SlXIP1.5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P X-intrinsic protein 1.5 Solyc10g054790|XIP1.5|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1227 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37146 SlXIP1.4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P X-intrinsic protein 1.4 Solyc10g054800|XIP1.4|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1228 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37147 SlXIP1.3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P X-intrinsic protein 1.3 SlNIP1.3|NIP1.3|aquaporin|Solyc10g054810 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1229 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37148 SlXIP1.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P X-intrinsic protein 1.2 Solyc10g054820|XIP1.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1230 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37150 SlXIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P X-intrinsic protein 1.1 Solyc10g054840|XIP1.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1231 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37228 SlPIP2.9 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.9 Solyc10g055630|PIP2.9|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1232 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37237 SlMAPKKK75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 75 MAPKKK75|Solyc10g055720 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1233 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37241 Solyc10g055760 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P NAC domain protein NAC6 gene taxon:4081 20121031 SGN 1234 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37349 Solyc10g074830 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc10g074830 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 1235 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37349 Solyc10g074830 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc10g074830 gene taxon:4081 20150120 SGN 1236 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37350 Solyc10g074840 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc10g074840 gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 1237 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37350 Solyc10g074840 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Solyc10g074840 gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 1238 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37445 Solyc10g076790 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0060919 PMID:22211518 IEP P SlLAX4 LAX4 gene taxon:4081 20120119 SGN 1239 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37467 SlCaM3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0075135 PMID:23621884 IDA P Calmodulin 3 Solyc10g077010|CaM3 gene taxon:4081 20130610 SGN 1240 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37484 SlCycT1_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinT1_1 SlCycT1_1|Solyc10g078180 gene taxon:4081 20141208 SGN 1241 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37485 SlDRM1L1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferaseL1 SlDRM1L1|DRM1L1|Solyc10g078190 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 1242 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37485 SlDRM1L1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferaseL1 SlDRM1L1|DRM1L1|Solyc10g078190 gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 1243 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37514 SlSIP1.3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P small basic intrinsic protein 1.3 SIP1.3|aquaporin|Solyc10g078500 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1244 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37538 SlC3H59 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 59 Solyc10g078750|C3H59 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1245 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37576 SlMAPKKK76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 76 MAPKKK76|Solyc10g079130 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1246 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37582 SlC3H61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 61 Solyc10g079190|C3H61 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1247 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37633 Solyc10g079720 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P Cystathionine beta-lyase gene taxon:4081 20121026 SGN 1248 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37633 Solyc10g079720 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009086 PMID:20643807 IDA P Cystathionine beta-lyase gene taxon:4081 20121026 SGN 1249 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37707 SlC3H63 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 63 C3H63|Solyc10g080480 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1250 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37750 SlCycB1_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinB1_2 SlCycB1_2|CycB1.2|Solyc10g080950 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 1251 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37771 SlCaM2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0075135 PMID:23621884 IDA P Calmodulin 2 CAM2|Solyc10g081170 gene taxon:4081 20130610 SGN 1252 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37881 SlSAUR82 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA82 SAUR82|Solyc10g083320 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1253 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37881 SlSAUR82 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA82 SAUR82|Solyc10g083320 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1254 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37881 SlSAUR82 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA82 SAUR82|Solyc10g083320 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1255 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37881 SlSAUR82 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA82 SAUR82|Solyc10g083320 gene taxon:4081 20121019 SGN 1256 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37911 SlDML acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P DNA demethylase Solyc10g083630 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1257 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37912 SlC3H64 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 64 C3H64|Solyc10g083640 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1258 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37935 SlTIP1.3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 1.3 Solyc10g083880|TIP1.3|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1259 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37959 SlPIP2.5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:24260152 IDA P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.5 PIP2.5|aquaporin|Solyc10g084120 gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 1260 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37959 SlPIP2.5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.5 PIP2.5|aquaporin|Solyc10g084120 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1261 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37959 SlPIP2.5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:24260152 IDA P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.5 PIP2.5|aquaporin|Solyc10g084120 gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 1262 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 37984 SlWRKY44 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 44 Solyc10g084380|wrky 44 gene taxon:4081 20120612 SGN 1263 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38111 SlMAPKKK79 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 79 Solyc10g085670|MAPKKK79 gene taxon:4081 20141112 SGN 1264 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38123 SlDEAD34 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD34 Solyc10g085790 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1265 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38465 SlDML2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P DNA demethylase2 Solyc11g007580 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1266 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38465 SlDML2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P DNA demethylase2 Solyc11g007580 gene taxon:4081 20141211 SGN 1267 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38556 SlDCL2c acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 2c Solyc11g008520 gene taxon:4081 20120403 SGN 1268 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38557 SlDCL2d acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 2d Solyc11g008530 gene taxon:4081 20120403 SGN 1269 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38558 SlDCL2b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Dicer-like 2b Solyc11g008540 gene taxon:4081 20120330 SGN 1270 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38649 SlCycD4_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD4_1 SlCycD4_1|CycD4_1|Solyc11g010460 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 1271 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38649 SlCycD4_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD4_1 SlCycD4_1|CycD4_1|Solyc11g010460 gene taxon:4081 20141205 SGN 1272 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38745 Solyc11g011500 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Potassium channel gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 1273 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38745 Solyc11g011500 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Potassium channel gene taxon:4081 20150121 SGN 1274 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38766 SlSAUR95 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA95 Solyc11g011710|SAUR95 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1275 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38766 SlSAUR95 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA95 Solyc11g011710|SAUR95 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1276 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38766 SlSAUR95 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA95 Solyc11g011710|SAUR95 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1277 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38766 SlSAUR95 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA95 Solyc11g011710|SAUR95 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1278 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38798 SlMAPKKK81 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 81 Solyc11g012050|MAPKKK81 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1279 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 38999 Solyc11g017100 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P GRAS family transcription factor gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 1280 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 39152 SlTCP12 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:2000024 PMID:24903607 IEP P TCP transcription factor 12 Solyc11g020670|TCP12 gene taxon:4081 20150303 SGN 1281 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 39411 SlMAPKKK82 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 82 Solyc11g033270|MAPKKK82 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1282 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 39739 Solyc11g045520 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P 1-AMINOCYCLOPROPANE-1-CARBOXYLATE OXIDASE-like protein gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1283 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 39739 Solyc11g045520 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P 1-AMINOCYCLOPROPANE-1-CARBOXYLATE OXIDASE-like protein gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1284 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40244 Solyc11g068620 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P NAC-domain protein gene taxon:4081 20121031 SGN 1285 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40320 SlPIP2.6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2.6 PIP2.6|aquaporin|Solyc11g069430 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1286 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40491 SlCaM4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0075135 PMID:23621884 IDA P Calmodulin 4 CaM4|Solyc11g072240 gene taxon:4081 20130610 SGN 1287 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40630 SlMAPKKK83 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 83 MAPKKK83|Solyc12g005360 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1288 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40630 SlMAPKKK83 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:25036993 IEP P MAP kinase kinase kinase 83 MAPKKK83|Solyc12g005360 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1289 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40670 SlC3H71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009737 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 71 Solyc12g005770|C3H71 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1290 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40670 SlC3H71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0070417 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 71 Solyc12g005770|C3H71 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1291 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40670 SlC3H71 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0042630 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 71 Solyc12g005770|C3H71 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1292 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40672 Solyc12g005790 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Peroxidase 27 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1293 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40672 Solyc12g005790 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Peroxidase 27 gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1294 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40708 SlWRKY14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 14 wrky 14|wrky|Solyc12g006170 gene taxon:4081 20120608 SGN 1295 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40723 SlDEAD35 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD35 Solyc12g006320 gene taxon:4081 20130222 SGN 1296 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40767 SlAGO10b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P Argonaute10b Solyc12g006790 gene taxon:4081 20120411 SGN 1297 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40809 SlIAA8 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:22314799 IEP P auxin-regulated IAA8 IAA8|Solyc12g007230 gene taxon:4081 20120222 SGN 1298 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40827 SlRDR3a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0031047 PMID:22406496 IDA P RNA-dependent RNA polymerase3a Solyc12g008410 gene taxon:4081 20120416 SGN 1299 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40851 SlC3H73 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 73 Solyc12g008660|C3H73 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1300 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40859 ACC acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P 1-aminocyclopropane- 1-carboxylate synthase ACC|SlACC|Solyc12g008740 gene taxon:4081 20150106 SGN 1301 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40874 SlCKX6 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P cytokinin oxidase6 SlCKX6|CKX6|cytokinin dehydrogenase6|Solyc12g008900 gene taxon:4081 20150102 SGN 1302 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40909 SlSAUR98 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009409 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA98 SAUR98|Solyc12g009280 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1303 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40909 SlSAUR98 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009651 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA98 SAUR98|Solyc12g009280 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1304 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40909 SlSAUR98 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA98 SAUR98|Solyc12g009280 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1305 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40909 SlSAUR98 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009734 PMID:22903030 IDA P Small auxin up-regulated RNA98 SAUR98|Solyc12g009280 gene taxon:4081 20120928 SGN 1306 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40914 SlMAPKKK84 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 84 MAPKKK84|Solyc12g009340 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1307 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40914 SlMAPKKK84 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:25036993 IEP P MAP kinase kinase kinase 84 MAPKKK84|Solyc12g009340 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1308 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 40919 SlC3H75 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 75 Solyc12g009390|C3H75 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1309 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41090 SlWRKY28 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 28 Solyc12g011200|wrky 28 gene taxon:4081 20120702 SGN 1310 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41165 SlMAPKKK85 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 85 MAPKKK85|Solyc12g013980 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1311 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41298 Solyc12g017350 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Cation diffusion facilitator 9 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 1312 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41298 Solyc12g017350 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Cation diffusion facilitator 9 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 1313 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41304 SlC3H76 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 76 Solyc12g017410|C3H76 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1314 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41432 SlSIP1.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P small basic intrinsic protein 1.1 Solyc12g019690|SIP1.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1315 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41580 SlDEAD36 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD36 Solyc12g035130 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 1316 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 41592 SlC3H77 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 77 Solyc12g035250|C3H77 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1317 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42029 SlWRKY43 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 43 Solyc12g042590|wrky 43 gene taxon:4081 20120613 SGN 1318 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42102 SlTIP2.1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P tonoplast intrinsic protein 2.1 Solyc12g044330|TIP2.1|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1319 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42282 Solyc12g056180 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1320 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42282 Solyc12g056180 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P Sl 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene taxon:4081 20150119 SGN 1321 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42286 SlPIP1.3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 IEP P plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1.3 aquaporin|PIP1.3|Solyc12g056220 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1322 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42322 Sl-ERF_D_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009723 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.2 Sl-ERF.D.2|SlERF.D.2|ERF.D.2|Solyc12g056590 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 1323 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42322 Sl-ERF_D_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010104 PMID:23057995 IDA P Ethylene Response Factor D.2 Sl-ERF.D.2|SlERF.D.2|ERF.D.2|Solyc12g056590 gene taxon:4081 20141222 SGN 1324 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42337 SlDEAD39 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD39 Solyc12g056740 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 1325 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42338 SlWRKY61 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:22570076 IDA P WRKY transcription factor 61 Solyc12g056750|wrky 61 gene taxon:4081 20120703 SGN 1326 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42366 SlNIP3.2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006833 PMID:24260152 ISS P NOD26-like intrinsic protein 3.2 Solyc12g057050|NIP3.2|aquaporin gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1327 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42390 SlMAPKKK86 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 86 MAPKKK86|Solyc12g062280 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1328 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42558 SlCycD2_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD2_1 Solyc12g087900|SlCycD2_1|CycD2_1 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 1329 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42558 SlCycD2_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD2_1 Solyc12g087900|SlCycD2_1|CycD2_1 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 1330 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42599 Solyc12g088320 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P Transcription factor LIM gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1331 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42614 SlCycA3_4 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin A3_4 SlCycA3.4|CycA3_4|Solyc12g088470 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 1332 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42617 SlCycA3_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin A3_5 SlCycA3_5|CycA35|Solyc12g088500 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 1333 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42619 SlCycA3_3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin A3_3 Solyc12g088520|SlCycA3_3|CycA33 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 1334 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42620 SlCycA3_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009739 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin A3.1 SlCycA31|SlCycA3.1|CycA3.1|Solyc12g088530 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 1335 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42620 SlCycA3_1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclin A3.1 SlCycA31|SlCycA3.1|CycA3.1|Solyc12g088530 gene taxon:4081 20141126 SGN 1336 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42632 SlCycD3_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinD3_2 SlCycD3_2|Solyc12g088650 gene taxon:4081 20141202 SGN 1337 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42660 SlMAPKKK87 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 87 MAPKKK87|Solyc12g088940 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1338 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42663 Solyc12g088970 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P CytochromeP450 gene taxon:4081 20150114 SGN 1339 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42691 SlC3H80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009408 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 80 C3H80|Solyc12g089260 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1340 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42691 SlC3H80 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006950 PMID:24870401 ISS P Zinc finger transcription factor 80 C3H80|Solyc12g089260 gene taxon:4081 20150304 SGN 1341 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42706 SlMAPKKK88 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 88 MAPKKK88|Solyc12g094410 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1342 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42725 SlCycB2_5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0007346 PMID:24366066 IDA P cyclinB2_5 SlCycB2_5|CycB2_5|Solyc12g094600 gene taxon:4081 20141128 SGN 1343 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42763 SlDEAD41 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD41 Solyc12g096000 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 1344 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42774 BRX acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P BREVIS RADIX Solyc12g096110|SlBRX gene taxon:4081 20150108 SGN 1345 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42824 SlGDSL acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009735 PMID:23307920 IEP P GDSL esterase Solyc12g096620 gene taxon:4081 20150115 SGN 1346 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42824 SlGDSL acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009733 PMID:23307920 IDA P GDSL esterase Solyc12g096620 gene taxon:4081 20150115 SGN 1347 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42931 SlDEAD42 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016070 PMID:23111163 IDA P RNA helicase DEAD42 Solyc12g098700 gene taxon:4081 20130225 SGN 1348 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 42983 SlMAPKKK89 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0000165 PMID:25036993 IDA P MAP kinase kinase kinase 89 MAPKKK89|Solyc12g099250 gene taxon:4081 20141111 SGN 1349 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43048 SCL3 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IEP P SCL3 (scarecrow-like 3) Solyc12g099900 gene taxon:4081 20121102 SGN 1350 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43056 SlCaM5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0075135 PMID:23621884 IDA P Calmodulin 5 CaM5|Solyc12g099990 gene taxon:4081 20130610 SGN 1351 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43090 SlMET3L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase3L Solyc12g100330|SlMET3L|MET3L gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 1352 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43090 SlMET3L acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009836 PMID:25149677 IDA P cytosine-5 DNA methyltransferase3L Solyc12g100330|SlMET3L|MET3L gene taxon:4081 20141210 SGN 1353 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43144 ob43144-AP2a acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0010154 PMID:21398570 IEP NCBI_gi:188531132 P ob43144-APETALA2a AP2a gene taxon:4081 20110401 SGN 1354 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43146 AP2b acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071369 PMID:21398570 IDA P APETALA2b gene taxon:4081 20120525 SGN 1355 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43147 AP2d acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009414 PMID:20643807 IDA P APETALA2d Solyc11g072600 gene taxon:4081 20121101 SGN 1356 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43147 AP2d acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071369 PMID:21398570 IDA P APETALA2d Solyc11g072600 gene taxon:4081 20120524 SGN 1357 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43148 AP2e acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0071369 PMID:21398570 IDA P APETALA2e Solyc06g075510 gene taxon:4081 20120525 SGN 1358 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 43149 sw41 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0080113 PMID:19165318 IMP P seed weight 4.1 gene taxon:4081 20120226 SGN 1359 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 76769 MOMT1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009813 PMID:21343428 IEP NCBI_gi:326534429 P myricetin O-methyltransferase 1 gene taxon:4081 20111111 SGN 1360 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 76770 MOMT2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009813 PMID:21343428 IEP NCBI_gi:326534431 P myricetin O-methyltransferase 2 gene taxon:4081 20111111 SGN 1361 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 76771 GMPase acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0019853 PMID:21287174 IEP NCBI_gi:113715732 P GDP mannose pyrophosphorylase gene taxon:4081 20111114 SGN 1362 PARSER ERROR Unknown qualifier: acts_upstream_of_or_within SGN 111003 LeACO1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009693 PMID:23076530 IDA P 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 1 Solyc07g049530 gene taxon:4081 20130404 SGN #------------ # GAF Parser WARNING count: 0 #------------ #------------ # Validation for #1354 annotations in 1362 lines #------------ #Line number RuleID ViolationType Message Line #------------ # GO_AR:0000007 IPI should not be used with catalytic activity molecular function terms Warning count: 1 76 GO_AR:0000007 Warning IPI should not be used with catalytic activity molecular function terms SGN 5257 pmt enables GO:0030750 PMID:17221359 IPI NCBI_gi:86438859 F putrescine N-methyltransferase Solyc06g053510 gene taxon:4081 20090625 SGN #------------ # GO_AR:0000008 No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms Warning count: 4 15 GO_AR:0000008 Warning Do not annotate to: GO:0005618 'cell wall' The term is considered to high level, as marked via the subset tag: gocheck_do_not_annotate SGN 961 man4 located_in GO:0005618 PMID:19450903 IDA C mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase LeMAN4a|Solyc01g008710 gene taxon:4081 20100423 SGN 424 GO_AR:0000008 Warning Do not annotate to: GO:0009628 'response to abiotic stimulus' The term is considered to high level, as marked via the subset tag: gocheck_do_not_annotate SGN 4506 Asr2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009628 PMID:17602312 IEP P Abscicic acid stress ripening 2 Solyc04g071580 gene taxon:4081 20080215 SGN 818 GO_AR:0000008 Warning Do not annotate to: GO:0009628 'response to abiotic stimulus' The term is considered to high level, as marked via the subset tag: gocheck_do_not_annotate SGN 20062 iaa14 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009628 PMID:22314799 IDA P auxin-regulated IAA14 Solyc03g121060|SlIAA14 gene taxon:4081 20141121 SGN 852 GO_AR:0000008 Warning Do not annotate to: GO:0009628 'response to abiotic stimulus' The term is considered to high level, as marked via the subset tag: gocheck_do_not_annotate SGN 22083 Asr_2 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0009628 PMID:17602312 IEP P Abscicic acid stress ripening 2 Solyc04g071580|Asr2 gene taxon:4081 20120509 SGN #------------ # GO_AR:0000016 IC annotations require a With/From GO ID Warning count: 1 481 GO_AR:0000016 Warning IC annotations require a With/From GO ID SGN 5583 tg1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0016120 SGN_ref:861 IC P test gene tg2|tg gene taxon:4081 20121115 SGN #------------