
The gene association files ingested from GO Consortium members are shown in the table below. Files are in the GO annotation file format and are compressed using the UNIX gzip utility. Please see the upstream resource information for further details on the annotation set. Any errors or omissions in annotations should be reported by writing to the GO Helpdesk.

Filtered Files

These files are taxon-specific and reflect the work of specific projects, primarily the model organisms database groups, to provide comprehensive, non-redundant annotation files for their organism. All the files in this table have been filtered using the annotation file QC pipeline. A major component to the filtering is the requirement that particular taxon IDs can only be included within the association files provided by specific projects; the current list of authoritative groups and major model organisms can be found below.

Filtered Annotation File Downloads for 2024-01-26 release

Species/Database Entity type Annotations File
Species/Database Entity type Annotations File
Sus scrofa
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
isoform 75454 goa_pig_isoform.gaf (gzip)
Mus musculus
Mouse Genome Informatics (mgi)
n/a 348766 mgi.gaf (gzip)
Sus scrofa
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
protein 134765 goa_pig.gaf (gzip)
Gallus gallus
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
complex 103 goa_chicken_complex.gaf (gzip)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Saccharomyces Genome Database (sgd)
n/a 17480 sgd.gaf (gzip)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Genome Project (pseudocap)
n/a 3625 pseudocap.gaf (gzip)
Sus scrofa
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
complex 23 goa_pig_complex.gaf (gzip)
Caenorhabditis elegans
WormBase database of nematode biology (wb)
n/a 128686 wb.gaf (gzip)
Sus scrofa
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
rna 22408 goa_pig_rna.gaf (gzip)
Homo sapiens
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
isoform 172680 goa_human_isoform.gaf (gzip)
Gallus gallus
EBI Gene Ontology Annotation Database (goa)
protein 73002 goa_chicken.gaf (gzip)

Copyright © 1999-2024 the Gene Ontology (CC-BY 4.0)
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Member of the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies

The Gene Ontology Consortium is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (US National Institutes of Health), grant number HG012212, with co-funding by NIGMS.